How to Pick the Right Sofa Color

colorful sofa

A sofa is a pleasant and adaptable piece of furnishings that is an incredible asset to a living area, often utilized for relaxation or leisure. Although there are many factors to consider when choosing a sofa, such as material and style, colour is also significant.


Colour has an impact on how comfortable the sofa is to clean as well as how comfy it makes your living room. Choosing the appropriate sofa colour is crucial because it is the focal point of your living room.


But, before you become frustrated, keep in mind that you don't need to be an expert interior designer to match your sofa to the rest of your space. We'll cover all you need to know about choosing the proper shade for your sofa and designing the ideal living room in this piece.


House theme

The most crucial key consideration when picking a sofa colour is the entire motif of your house. How would you describe the atmosphere in your home? Which design motif would you choose for your household?

If your home is decorated in an eclectic style with splashes of colour here and there, your sofa should match. An orange or crimson sofa, for instance, would readily merge with a colourful décor that includes vibrant drapes, mats, cushions, and wall panels.



Material has a significant role in the sofa experience. It not only enhances the overall appearance of the sofa, but it also allows you to select the colour.

If you would like a leather sofa in your family room, for example, check for colour selections that look great on leather and fit your design. The proper colour for your sofa will be determined by the material you select; Sofa Italia leather sofas are an excellent choice.


Room dimensions

Although it may not appear so, the size and location of your living area might have an impact on the colour palettes you choose. Most family rooms are huge, open areas that may accommodate various activities.


If yours isn't, though, you'll want to avoid dark or rich hues since they might make your sofa appear larger and more imposing. Light colours work well in dark spaces or have a lot of windows.


Because certain sitting rooms are located in less appealing areas of the house, such as the basement, a light-coloured sofa will make the space appear less dim and confined. Light colours will fade less in a setting with a lot of windows.


Avoid trends at all costs

Couches are an asset that should be treasured and kept for at least 7-15 years due to their ordinarily hefty price. As a result, we recommend avoiding trendy statement accessories. You could wind up with a pricey blunder if the trend passes.


As you can pay respect to trends that appeal to you, we recommend focusing your efforts on smaller pieces such as decorative pillows that will be less expensive to replace as the trend fades.


Keeping Stains at Bay

If you have minor children, the colour of a living room area sofa may be influenced by this. Your kids will most probably like to play in the living area, and you and your family may dine there as well. If this is the case, then tracked-back is the way to go.


Spills and mishaps are nearly inevitable when your sofa is covered in dirt, so you'll want to make washing those incidents and keeping your sofa looking nice as simple as possible. Browns, grays, and dark colours will easily disguise dirt and stains, prolonging the fresh and clean appearance of your sofa.


Choose if you want a bold or subtle piece of furniture

If you're unsure where to begin when selecting the appropriate colour for your sofa, consider whether you want a statement piece or something more subtle. This will allow you to limit your alternatives swiftly. Bright colours will make your sofa pop, while neutrals will keep it understated.


Your unique preferences will determine the best solution. Relaxing on a vibrant sofa each day, for example, could bring you a lot of satisfaction.


However, if you prefer a more sleek and simple look, don't feel compelled to abandon it to find a unique sofa. If you like a more subdued colour scheme, you can always dress up a piece of more impartial furniture with pillows and rugs.



Final Verdict: Where to Buy New Couches

You have so many alternatives to selecting a new John Lewis sofa that it might make your mind spin. Their couches are designed with stylish modern aesthetics in mind and can be adjusted to fit any size area.


They also have resources to address all of your furniture-related inquiries, such as the appropriate fabric for sofa upholstery. Get that sofa that you so desire today!

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Three Key Web Design Trends For 2022

web design

2022 is upon us, and like all elements of business, fashion, technology and beyond, trends are ever changing when it comes to web design.


Across 2021 we were constantly seeking out what experts were saying when it comes to the trends of the next year, and now we’re here. Ready and waiting to be adopted by websites across the globe.


Interestingly, web design will often follow the pattern of what people are seeking in the “real world”, and that’s no different today. At present we’re living in a crazy and unpredictable world, with people desperately looking for solace, security and calm, and that’s largely what we expect to see in web design.


Many brands are already adopting features and styles that recognise that, with professional website building platform Duda offering a range of templates that focus more deeply on the content itself. While others are becoming more interactive than ever before. But what are the three key web trends we expect to see in 2022?

More Immersive Content

We spend more time looking at content on our smartphones than ever before. In fact, Statista have reported that we on average spend around 155 minutes on our smartphones per day. This will be covering a large range of things, from gaming and entertainment, to business, but either way it means that sites have to be more immersive than ever before to ensure you keep eyes on your site.


Take a retail business for example, there is a constant strive to make the experience online more like an in-store experience, and technology is allowing sites to be more immersive than ever before. Augmented reality is one of the most high tech ways of doing this, with the likes of IKEA having already adopted it. However, there are also simpler ways, and it could be just adding a more interactive gallery or a higher definition zoom function. Additionally, the ability to rotate and see a product in full on a page is another method we’ll see more and more in 2022.

Typography that Prioritises Content

The way typography is used in websites is always changing, and that we are sure to see again in 2022. Over the next year we’re expecting to see typography trying to draw more and more attention to the content.


This will largely be done through motion. By strategically developing your type to move towards your desired content, you can stand out from the crowd and lead people to your main bulk of content and selling points efficiently and effectively.


This isn’t a tactic you should be employing hugely across your site, but rather in key areas in which you wish your readers, or prospective buyers, to focus.

Line Art Backgrounds

Similarly, you can also do this with the backgrounds you are using. We see trends in backgrounds change all the time. At one point, less was more, and at others more was less. The experimentation in backgrounds will always be there.


For 2022, though, we’re seeing an increase in line art coming from top designers. Not only does it suit the wider styles of the modern day, it can also be useful in directing people to the content you want them to focus on. People will typically follow the lines, while it will be clear from the offset that if the lines are pointing in one direction, no matter how subtle the eyes will naturally move in that direction. It’s here you put your key information, selling points, or whatever you want to lead the focus on a page. It’s a simple, yet effective tactic that we’re going to see more and more of this year.

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Halloween Graphic Design Ideas for Kids

This spooky season is a time filled with candy, tricks and treats, and of course, costumes! There’s definitely a ton of things you can do to add that Halloween spirit to your graphic design. Here are some simple tips and tricks for your kids to have fun with their graphic design this October.

  • Use Halloween objects

To easily make your kids’ Halloween design be easily recognizable with the season, use some iconic spooky objects. They don’t have to be detailed and can even just be silhouettes and shadows.

  • Jack-o-lanterns and pumpkins
  • Black cats with green eyes
  • Witches on brooms
  • Cauldrons
  • Candies like candy corn
  • Bats
  • Spiders and spider webs
  • Haunted houses
  • Costumes- masks, witch hats, sheet ghosts

Sprinkle a few of these in the background of your design, to accent text, decorate corners, make borders, or use one of them as the focus to build around. It will definitely add some spooky charm to your work.

  • Have fun with Halloween novelty fonts

Have some quirky fonts and lettering styles you’ve been eager and waiting for the chance to use? Don’t be shy to break them out, many of them suit the seasonal Halloween holiday theme. Here are some you can try out:

  • Scratchy handwritten letters can be extra spooky

October Crow -

  • Fonts with drip designs to look like a potion from a witch’s cauldron

Creepsville - http:/

  • Curling lines that look both slimy and creepy

Phantom Fingers -

Unique to the Halloween theme and definitely fit for it, see what brings that spooktober feeling out best. Combine your font with catchy Halloween lines like

  • Trick or Treat?
  • Boo!
  • Happy Spooktober!

  • Color like candy

What catches other people’s eyes like bright colors? Halloween doesn’t have to be just orange and blacks, you can add jewel tones to make it more fun- bright purple like magic, or deep green like a spooky ghoul. Be inspired by your sweet tooth and use vibrant colors like what you see on candy and chocolate wrappers.

Now that you have an iconic Halloween object, a fun font, and a choice of colors for your palette (try to keep it down to around three), you’re ready to make your Halloween graphic! Digital, with paint, crayons, or markers, it doesn’t matter what medium you use so long as you have fun.

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Picking yourself a modern Christmas Palette

Christmas time. The most wonderful time of the year and the perfect time to make a great graphic design for the holiday season full of love and cheer.

One of the first steps to a great design is deciding on your color palette. Your Christmas color palette need not be the traditional red and green that can be a bit of a loud combination. When you want a modern blend of colors that can perfectly represent the Christmas spirit, you want colors that will look clean and sleek while still embodying the warmth and joy of the holidays.

Modern Christmas palettes aren’t loud a portray more of the softness of the season. After all, you have a warm fire in the living room, not light up fireworks for Christmas.

The traditional red and green make the cut, but to update those colors for your palette, go for the tints. Tints of red and green dominate your palette, usually with one dark shade to add some boldness. To tie it all together, add one neutral color like slightly off-white, a warmer tan, or a cooler grey. It all depends on what direction you want to go.

You can choose to do one dark shade and one tint each for red and green, then one neutral color to complete your palette.

Christmas time also usually means the warmth of the fire or warm home-cooked meals cooked together in the kitchen. To add some warmth and a little something different to your palette, you can go for the colors you usually see crackling in your fireplace. A happy orange or a warm pastel yellow can add a nice twinkle or magical streak to your palette. Modern palettes can also mean a little more minimal, like using several tints or shades of one color, then adding white and one color on the opposite side of the spectrum.

In this one, we use different colors from the green family, add white, and then pick from the opposite side of the color wheel and go red.

Armed with a modern Christmas palette, you can surely make a graphic design that showcases the things you love about Christmas- warmth and happiness surrounded by family, friends, and loved ones.

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Top 11 tips for advertising campaign: Understand colour schemes for logos & Creatives

Advertising must catch the eye of the target consumer. It must be bright and memorable to encourage the clients to try services or products. One of the important keys is colors. The colors you choose for your business logo will be the building blocks of your future corporate identity.

Spot on branding is crucial to the success of your business, and it all starts with a fabulous logo design. Therefore, in designing a logo you have to consider the message you wish for the logo to convey, as well as the psychology and the meanings behind different colors.This is what can help you make more money and attract more potential customers. 

Companies spend tons of their resources to launch the ad campaign and make their online advertising design popular. It helps in creating a bigger client pool, communicating with the regular customers, and promoting the brand name on the web. 

What’s the key element of a successful advertising project? The design idea expressed in the ad can define the way it hits the market. And JatApp is ready to share top secrets for the advertising creative strategy. These 11 tips will make your marketing graphic design ideas blow the market. 

graphic design institute

Perform better analysis 

It will take longer to work on the inner aspects of the ad project. But this is what can help you overcome the competitors, analyze the product better and make your marketing and graphic design memorable for the clients. Pay more attention to the in-depth details of the campaign and then concentrate on the outer aspect, such as design. 

Use CTAs 

It’s important to communicate with the customer through your ad. And an effective and well-developed CTA can be your proven way to interest the customer. It’s not only about the email marketing or ad blog posts where you can use CTA. You need to encourage the potential client in different ways starting from the advertising campaign. 

Use the right gaze 

In most advertising web design campaigns, a model depicts the main idea of the project. If you place your CTA on the main screen, the gaze of the model must be pointed out to the writing on the screen. It will give a double effect and won’t leave the readers out of the context. It’s a specific tip used by many design advertising companies. 

Emotions words are a must 

You may wonder how to use graphic design in marketing. With the help of emotional words, you can achieve better engagement with the customers. What are the types of emotional words? These are the words that relate to your feelings about the advertised product or service. There shouldn't be an abundance of such words, but you’d better insert a couple of them in your software for programing advertising design. 

Use popular ideas or personalities 

When a person can see a popular idea or celebrity in the ad, the level of trust is usually increased. The main thing for an advertisement design company here is to choose the right concept or personality. It must completely fit the context and add to the main idea of the campaign. Otherwise, it would be a failure. 

Choose the fitting font 

Different examples of graphic design in advertising show how important the choice of font is. When you show beauty products, you should go for tall and thin lines. It will work differently for sports ads or a political project, for example. 

Imagination is key to success 

You can find a moderate advertising design service to offer safe and proven ideas. Or you can use your imagination as a ruling power. Interesting ideas are always more popular than safe ones. People are bored of the common ways advertisers depict the information. You need to change it with some fresh ideas. 

Don’t make it too serious 

Advertising design software is meant to entertain the customers unless the topic is too serious to make fun of. If you work with common services and products, you can use jokes to make the ad campaign more memorable and enjoyable for the client. Some weird concepts are welcomed to make it sound hilarious. This is what helps to remember the ad. 

Work on the picture  

In-depth analysis and marketing strategy are essential for the ad campaign. But the final picture is everything. Your task is to make it professionally. What are the trends in marketing and design? What do people love the most? You need to answer these questions to make the right choices. 

Use different media channels 

It’s not enough to work with the TV ad only or allocate the whole budget to the Instagram post. Your task as a marketer is to analyze the most popular media channels for your target audience and launch the campaign on different stages. This is what’s going to bring the best results and help you promote the product better. 

Achieve impressive results and engage the audience with marketing and design tips 

It’s a real challenge to create an engaging and interesting ad campaign. A lot of steps and processes should be covered before you post your ad online. Design and marketing strategy is an essential part of the ad project. Make sure to take a complex approach when developing an advertising project to attract more people and promote your product or service with better profits.

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How Colors (Do Not) Influence Our Mental Health and Behaviour


Color is an eye's perception feature of different light waves. By capturing this or that energy influence, the eye transmits information to the brain, where a certain brain center is excited, which is responsible for different emotions, for different mental states.

The famous Swiss psychotherapist Max Luscher developed the so-called Luscher Color Test in the middle of the 20th century. The subject needs to arrange eight colors in descending order, demonstrating what he likes more and what less. This test allows you to determine the state of a person at the moment, shows what is happening in his soul, what he gravitates towards, what he is afraid of, what problems he has at the moment.

The sense of color is not available to all animals on Earth. Birds and primates have a full multi-colored vision, the rest distinguish only some shades. The multi-spectral vision developed in the process of evolution allowed a person to receive a huge amount of information about the world around him. The visual cortex is capable of recognizing thousands of colors and shades. There are three colors, the so-called primary colors, to which the eye reacts immediately: red, green, and blue. Although not all people are able to distinguish colors, according to statistics, 8% of men do not have the ability to perceive colors, 0.5% of women have color blindness.

Our perception of colors is influenced by various external conditions: sunlight or electric, natural fire. The eye adapts to the light source in different ways. In some people, idiosyncrasy occurs - this is a genetically determined reaction in response to a certain nonspecific stimulus. For example, a person cannot perceive some products or colors for unknown reasons. Some people cannot eat orange fruits and vegetables. Napoleon Bonaparte never rode white horses. But in general, dislike for certain colors is a rather serious thing. If the color at home does not suit a person, this can cause internal discomfort, up to the development of serious diseases: irritability, depression, insomnia, anxiety disorders.

Sometimes colors are used in treating depression, anxiety, or while quitting alcohol. In those cases, colors can indeed be a nice addition but will never be enough. So better have a consultation with a therapist if you have mental health issues or find information on quitting drinking on AddictionResource.

How exactly colors affect the psyche

The color therapy method has been known since ancient times. For example, it is scientifically proven that color can regulate the desire to eat. If you want to eat less or stop drinking alcohol, hang in the kitchen as many pictures in which there are blue and purple colors or screw in a blue light bulb, lay a black tablecloth on the table. All of these colors help reduce appetite.

Do you want to stimulate your working condition? You need purple and red. Those who are persecuted by depression or quit drinking are advised to wear yellowish glasses.

In medicine, colors are used for treatment to affect the psychophysiological state of a person. Red can have a positive effect on a person due to its stimulating properties, but with prolonged exposure, it gives a negative effect. Sometimes it even raises the temperature. Yellow is encouraging. The color of cheerfulness, warmth, sun, therefore it is often used in advertising. Orange adjusts to communication, easy rapprochement. Gray evokes a sense of neatness, restraint. Purple can cause anxiety, while for someone, on the contrary, it increases efficiency. Blue relieves tension, soothes, and can reduce the heart rate. Black helps people better concentrate, avoid many mistakes, and focuse attention. Green and white are neutral colors that do not have a strong effect on the human psyche. Although green is calming, it is believed to normalize high blood pressure.

However, you should perceive these examples rather conditionally since the influence of colors also depends on temperament, on the properties of a person's character. For example, there are people who absolutely do not need to surround themselves with the colors of the red group but should replace them with shades of the cold group. For secretive people, shy ones, it will be useful to support themselves with a group of orange, yellow tones. It is better for older people and children to maintain bright and light shades in the space where they live. Children need a bright color without fail, as it stimulates their mental, intellectual development.

Biology or evolution?

Our color preferences are based on internal biological mechanisms, largely due to evolution. The researchers hypothesized that color associations could have been formed in the early stages of human history, when a person associated blue with night and, accordingly, with passivity and bright yellow with the sun and activity.

But why do we still face the stereotype that men prefer blue and women like pink? The researchers argue that this difference follows from evolutionary changes in the minds of people during the hunting and gathering era.

In those days, women needed to see red and yellow fruits among green foliage to find food. In the future, this factor influenced the formation of color preferences in the next generations of women.

The ability to perceive color, and in particular the ability to discriminate the wavelength of red, may have been of greater adaptive value to gatherers (i.e., women) than to guardians of stocks (i.e., men), leading to the formation of modern visual tastes and preferences.

Sometimes it doesn't work

You could have heard that pink is associated with happiness and compassion, some people could call it feminine. Many psychologists experimented with pink, trying to find a practical use for it, and finally, the so-called Cool Down Pink appeared. This eye-pleasing shade of pink, developed by Daniela Shpet, was used in several prisons in Switzerland for repainting the prisoners' cells. They tried to apply color therapy not only in the Peshvis prison (canton of Zurich). In the canton of Graubünden, the Realta prison tried to ennoble the inner world of prisoners in the same way, but two years later they repainted all the premises in a neutral gray-white color, according to Tribune de Geneve.

Thomas Knoll, former Enforcement Officer in Peshvis and now Director of the Swiss Correctional Staff Training Center, said in a radio interview: "We saw almost no effect from the pink cell. If the influence can be noticed, then it is extremely weak and does not justify the effort." He mentioned one cell because there is indeed only one pink cell in Peshvis. And there were several dozen aggressive prisoners, whose behavior was watched by the guards for a year and a half. The experiment was conducted as follows: thirty people were placed at different times in the pink cell, the other thirty remained in standard "apartments." The behavior of the participants in the experiment was compared on the first and third day of the experiment, but the observation protocols showed almost no difference.

Testing is done in other prisons as well. The pioneer of repainting in pink was The Pfäffikon prison (canton of Zurich) - back in 2006. A prison in Ham commune in the canton of Zug has recently set up a pink cell. There are about twenty such rooms in the German-speaking cantons and only half a dozen in Romanian Switzerland.

Psychologist Isabel Müller also uses colors in her work but believes that simply repainting the walls is not enough; it is also necessary to carry out individual work with prisoners using color pictures.

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7 Website Design Tips for Color Blind Users

Color plays an important role both in the real world and in the digital world. It is important to use colors not only to enhance the design of a website but also to inspire emotions.

You may already know that each color can evoke specific emotions. For instance, black is associated with elegance.

People with color blindness, however, may have difficulty distinguishing and guessing colors.

It is, therefore, crucial to optimize your website for impaired users and make it accessible to everyone to enlarge your audience and sales potential.

To that end, this article will provide you with some helpful tips for designing your website for color-blind users.

Also, if you prefer a ready-to-use template, we'll provide you with a selection of some of the best TemplateMonster's WordPress themes at the end of this post.

Let’s dive right in.

What is color blindness?

Color blindness refers to seeing colors differently than the average person. This is also known as color deficiency.

This impairment makes it difficult for them to distinguish and guess certain shades and colors, such as red, green, and blue.

The primary cause of color blindness is the absence of light-sensitive pigments in the cones of the eye

7 Tips for designing a better UX for color-blind users

This section will provide you with seven tips for designing a better UX for color-blind users that will increase conversions.

1.   Avoid certain combinations of colors

Colorblind individuals may have difficulty visualizing and identifying certain color combinations.

It is therefore prudent to avoid the following forbidden color combinations in order to prevent this from happening:

  • Red and green.
  • Green and brown.
  • Green and blue.
  • Blue and gray.
  • Blue and purple.
  • Green and gray.
  • Green and black.

Other than avoiding these color combinations, you can also make use of colors more effectively if you are familiar with the color-identifying system for color-blind people.

2.   Make it monochrome

It is obvious that the best way to design your website for colorblind individuals is to use just one color instead of a combination of colors.

It doesn't mean to have a black-and-white website, but to use contrasting colors that even impaired people are able to clearly distinguish.

In Google Maps, for example, color-blind people can see the differences since it uses different hues, as well as green for no traffic and red for busy traffic, to allow color-blind people to distinguish between them.


3.   Use high contrast

Even though color blind people cannot see the correct color, they can detect differences in brightness, saturation, and contrast.

Thus, you can leverage this to your advantage since many people afflicted with this condition do better with bright colors rather than dark ones, which have a tendency to blend together.

4.   Use thicker lines

A person with a mild case of color blindness can often distinguish a color if it appears in abundance.

Thus, a thin line of color with less than sufficient contrast won't appear as the right color to them.

Instead, use texture. In infographics and maps, in particular, you can use texture alongside color to help distinguish objects.

5.   Use colors together with text, symbols, or icons

When designing a website, you shouldn't just rely on colors as a communication tool. Instead, symbols and icons can assist in such a case, and they are also beneficial to people who are colorblind.

Despite the inability to see the color clearly, they can understand what the context or the action entails at a glance thanks to the visual representation.

As an alternative to symbols and icons, you can also include text with the color or image.

In this way, both impaired and normal people will be able to understand the type of color if they are confused or are unable to determine it.

6.   Adjust saturation and brightness

By adjusting the saturation and brightness of some of the colors on your website, you can optimize them for color blindness as well.

You can, for example, choose only one color or a limited number of colors and adjust some aspects of light, saturation, and hue to make your website more appealing.

Using this method, you can start with one color and create different variations of it.

A color-blind person would then perceive each sample of the color as an individual part of the design.

7.   Make links easy to spot

Links on a web page can be important, so it is important to ensure that they are easily visible and distinguishable for all users, including the visually impaired.

A color-based approach is not the best option in such a situation, as some people may not be able to tell it apart from normal text.

To emphasize the linked text, it should be underlined or accompanied by icons or symbols.

5 best accessible WordPress themes

In this section, you can find five of some of the best WordPress themes available on the web. They all present a professional design and are optimized for both users and search engines.


wordpress theme


Monstroid2 is a multipurpose accessible WordPress theme that embeds over 300+ pre-designed pages. It is easy to use and customize. Thus, you’ll be able to adapt to color-blind people easily.


modern theme


Hazel is a minimal WordPress theme that is ideal for people with color blindness issues. The design minimizes the use of colors and presents a neat and organized layout that clearly separates each section and element.


multipurpose wordpress theme


Techno is another multipurpose WordPress theme designed specifically for IT solutions. It includes templates and pages that are fully customizable; you can change the colors, images, fonts, and more. It has all the tools you need to make your website more accessible.


modern business


Another great accessible WordPress theme is Webion. Due to the black and white color scheme, color-blind individuals are less likely to misunderstand or have a poor user experience.


business website


Meltony is an accessible WordPress theme that makes minimal use of colors and separates each section logically, improving the usability for colorblind users.


Your website's accessibility benefits you in many ways, including brand reputation and conversion rate.

We have listed some of the best tips for optimizing or designing your website for color-blind users in this article.

Although some of these strategies might seem complicated, they are actually fairly simple to use once you understand all the potential misunderstandings, and it only takes a little time and effort.

If you don't want to start from scratch, you can consider using some ready-made templates listed in the article's last section.

If you're looking for other ready-to-use accessible templates, you can browse TemplateMonster's marketplace. You can find thousands of digital products designed by experts around the world there.

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Highly Efficient Web Tools and Services

This article is one of the most comprehensive and useful showcases of 50+ web tools and services in the world.

All the web tools and services were carefully picked, and for each one we wrote a basic review so you can understand how it helps you.

We covered these industries:

- Low code solution

- WordPress themes and plugins

- Logo builders

- Website builders

- Design agency blog - covers everything you need to know about UI/UX design, branding, mobile and web app development

- Free collaboration platform

- And much more.




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LogoAi allows anyone to design their own logo. Just enter your business name and answer a few questions about your brand. LogoAi design engine that understands the best practices of logo design can generate unlimited logo ideas for you to choose. Once you have found a logo you like, the brand center can automatically generate matching brand identities from business cards to Word & PPT templates to make your brand look beautiful.

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  1. Total WordPress Theme

Total WordPress Theme

Total is one of the most appreciated WordPress themes in the world, and for good reason. Tens of thousands of websites use Total for it's easy customizations and developer friendly framework.

Find out more about Total and keep in mind that for Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2021, the theme is sold with 50% discount.

  1. Complete SEO

Complete SEO

You always wanted to make your website rank high in search engines and get incredible amounts of organic traffic?

This is what Complete SEO will do for you, without ripping you off.

Get a free quote.

  1. Powerful Email marketing software features

Powerful Email marketing software features

Mailmunch is an all-in-one email marketing and lead generation platform that offers businesses complete control over their digital marketing strategy. With no coding required, you can create stunning emails within minutes using Mailmunch’s extensive library of 100+ templates and intuitive drag and drop builder.

The powerful integration with email marketing software features gives you the leverage to create your own email list so that you can send well-targeted email campaigns.

The email marketing features of this software include:

  1. Fully optimized and responsive email templates.
  2. Automations to create the user journey based on their behavior.
  3. Advanced segmentation to send personalized emails based on interests and demographics.
  4. Analytics and reporting to track the results of the email marketing campaigns.
  5. Broadcast emails to send bulk emails to your audience in a single click.
  6. Drip campaigns to build relationships with customers.
  7. Autoresponders to trigger when someone subscribes to your specified list.

Mailmunch email marketing features let you:

  1. Grow your email list exponentially.
  2. Build emails within minutes, no coding required, with the intuitive drag and drop builder.
  3. Boost conversions by up to 400%.
  4. Use built-in email marketing features or Integrate with any email marketing service of choice
  5. Personalize emails
  6. Use thousands of royalty-free photos to add to your emails
  7. Design emails to look perfect on any device

Make the most of the Mailmunch email marketing platform to interact and engage with your customers, generate, nurture and convert leads as loyal customers.

Sign up today!

  1. Email templates for businesses

Email templates for businesses

Use Unlayer email templates that are crafted specifically for businesses to create engaging and high-converting emails without effort or any prior experience.

Pick the template that fits your needs and customize it using the included drag and drop builder and the stunning elements.

It is simple, try it now.

  1. Flamingo


Remote teams are now more popular than ever, with the Covid-19 international problem.

How do you manage leave for your remote teams?

Are you using Flamingo?

This smart app will help you and your remote team to manage the leave calendar and in plus it will help you boost productivity by encouraging you to take regular breaks.

Find out more about Flamingo.

  1. Kansas City Website Developers

Kansas City Web Design & SEO is a team of experts with huge experience in web design and SEO, creating some of the best websites in the world.

They work with both small and large companies, and they adapt to your needs with ease.

Get a free quote.

  1. Podcast Booking Agency

Podcast Booking Agency

Which is the best podcast booking agency?

This website created probably the most comprehensive comparison on this subject.

Check it.

  1. Small Business Blog

Small Business Blog

No matter what you are looking for, BloggerLocal did a top 10 article on the subject. They are highly popular for crafting complete articles in which you find all the information you need.

Take a look.

  1. Heroic Inbox

Heroic Inbox

Heroic Inbox is a premium and smart WordPress plugin that lets you manage customer support email in a shared inbox, helping you save important amounts of time.

Find out more about Heroic Inbox WordPress plugin.

  1. Codester


Codester is the marketplace that supplies all the web designers and developers in the world with premium PHP scripts, app templates, themes, plugins, and much more.

Get everything you need from Codester, the prices are excellent.

  1. Web Design Auckland

Web Design Auckland

AMG Web Design Auckland is a boutique agency with over 20 years of experience, helping customers from New Zeeland, United Kingdom and Italy with services like:

  • Custom web design and development
  • SEO
  • Digital Marketing
  • Web Content Management
  • Hosting
  • Logo Design and Branding
  • Graphic Design & Print
  • Photography

Its customers love working with this all-inclusive agency because it puts huge accent on quality and smart ideas.

For Black Friday they offer a 20% Discount which valid until the end of 2021.

  1. Hire Jordan Smith

Hire Jordan Smith

If you’re in search of quality web design look no further! Hire Jordan Smith is a Tulsa web design company with many years of experience producing professional websites for businesses of all shapes and sizes all over the United States.

Whether you’re a law firm or service company hoping to attract more clients, a blogger seeking to increase your online presence or an eCommerce store looking to increase sales, Hire Jordan Smith can work with you to create a strategically built website that will help you reach your digital goals.

Get a free quote from Hire Jordan Smith.

  1. DWS


DWS is a professional web design and web development agency that will craft you a pixel-perfect website quick, respecting all your needs, and supercharging it with speed, SEO optimizations, and a smart navigation system.

Get a free quote.

  1. uKit


uKit has won extensive worldwide popularity due to its amazing simplicity, convenience and powerful integrated functionality. The website builder mostly focuses on the creation of feature-rich small business projects yet it can also be used for other types of projects. It allows starting blogs, landing pages, portfolios and even digital stores without any technical background at all.

  1. WebAsk - Survey and Form Builder

WebAsk - Survey and Form Builder

WebAsk is a top notch destination to reach, if you face the need to build quality online forms. The software lets you create and publish online polls, marketing research projects, inquirity forms, questionnaires and other forms in less than no time and with no coding skills required.  You can use a shareable link to send the form to team members or post the one on your website.



XSTORE is the most complete and customizable WooCommerce theme on the market, powering some of the best shops in the world.

Find out more about XSTORE.

  1. uCalc


Looking for a handy tool to build an online calculator? Then go ahead to pick uCalc to get started with ease! The software comes with multiple customizable and ready-to-use templates, which are also sorted out by industry for the ease of search. Just pick the one that refers to your specialization and reach the visual editor to give it the required look/functionality.

  1. MVP solution for Startups- Startup Oasis

MVP solution for Startups- Startup Oasis

Startup Oasis will help you launch your MVP quickly, in just a few weeks, making sure that everything runs smoothly and perfectly.

Visit the Minimum Viable Product Package page to understand more about Startup services.

Let these experts help you, it is totally worth it for your MVP and your business.

  1. Invoice Software for Cleaners

 Invoice Software for Cleaners

InvoiceBerry is a professional invoicing software that is fully dedicated to cleaning businesses.

With this software, you will create invoices, track expenses and payments, create reports, and much more.

See how it work in a free trial.

  1. Embed a blog

Embed a blog

You need a blog on your website and you don't know how to make it?

No problem, by using Bloghandy, you will have immediately, and without effort.

Write 2 lines of code, and Bloghandy will embeb a professional blog on your website right awy.

Try it for free.

  1. Online Group Chat Platform for Websites Live Events and Q&A

Online Group Chat Platform for Websites Live Events and Q&A

RumbleTalk will add a group chat on your website in just a few moments and clicks, helping you engage your audience and improve conversions.

See how it works.

  1. Litho - Multipurpose Elementor WordPress Theme

Litho - Multipurpose Elementor WordPress Theme

Litho is the Multipurpose Elementor WordPress theme that you need for your website to make it stand out of the crowd immediately.

The theme looks stunning, it is loaded with gorgeous templates, and has highly advanced features that will help you big time in creating your unique website.

Check it.

  1. Instant Logo Design

Instant Logo Design

Instant logo design is an online logo maker that’s extremely easy to use. Just type in your business name to get logo design ideas instantly. As you shortlist the design ideas you like, the logo maker will learn from your selection and generate more designs to your liking. If you need a simple and creative logo, be sure to check out this instant logo maker.

  1. Brizy - The “no-code” website builder for designers

Brizy - The “no-code” website builder for designers

Brizy is a powerful website builder made specifically for marketers that need to create engaging landing pages and websites, without having any coding or design skills.

Give it a try, the results are impressive.

  1. uCoz


uCoz stands out from the crowd due to its module-based structure. The website builder grants access to dozens of modules you can pick and integrate into your website to give it the required niche focus. It takes some time to master the system, but even non-techies can cope with the task pretty well.

  1. SiteBuilders.PRO


SiteBuilders.Pro is a web resource to reach, if you decide to move from one website builder/CMS to another. The service offers fixed transfer expenses, advanced web design services, manual project transfer, reasonable fees and quality result that will absolutely comply with their clients’ expectations.

  1. WhatFontIs


WhatFontIs is by far the easiest to use, efficient, and complete font identifier on the market.

It lets you identify fonts from images, in under 60 seconds, without asking you a cent or your contact details.

Identify all the fonts you like, it is so simple with WhatFontIs.


If you currently face the need to launch a personal or a business website, take your time to browse reviews and comparisons available on The platform delivers the unbiased info that tackles popular web design services. Comparing their implications and major parameters, the software helps pick the most suitable web design tool with regard to users’ requirements and programming knowledge.

  1. Lemona Playful Font

Lemona Playful Font

Lemona is a beautiful hand-drawn playful font for display headings and titles. The display font is pleasant to read on screen without strain.  It fits the projects that require fun and cheerful designs!

It works perfectly for creative projects such as logo, badge, invitation, packaging, apparel design, heading and title, poster, magazine, greeting card, printed quotes flyers and wedding invitation and more.

  1. actiTIME


Looking for a professional, efficient, and affordable time-tracking software that will boost your business with intelligent data?

Stop the looking and use actiTIME, it is exactly what you are looking for.

Register for the free trial and see how it works.

  1. Gather information from clients

Content Snare

Why waste tons of time each week to gather information from your customers when you could better use Content Snare and automate the process?

You will save an average of 71% of your time collecting information.

See how it works.

  1. Acowebs


Acowebs is one of the fastest-growing WordPress development companies that focuses on WooCommerce plugins. The company has over 50,000 customers and is the author of WooCommerce plugins like Product Tables WooCommerce. Product tables are useful when you want to present multiple columns of data in a clear, neat and compact layout that can be easily navigated and searched for products or information.

WooCommerce Product Table is suitable for businesses that sell digital products, physical products and services online. WooCommerce Product Table plugin lets you easily create beautiful product tables on your website which allows easier navigation for search and product research purposes.

  1. Bet 95% off on Admin Dashboards Templates

WrapPixelWrapPixel created both free and premium admin dashboard templates that look great and which are loaded with all the bells and whistles.

For Black Friday 2021, they offer a massive 95% discount.

Check their products and pick the ones you want, the price is stunning.

  1. RocketHub


RocketHub is the source of amazing lifetime software deals you wish existed to get the powerful SaaS your business needs.

They believe the tools you need to grow your business shouldn't hinder you.

At RocketHub, you can get amazing lifetime deals from top software companies, co-founders & investors and save Up to 95% on Software Deals!

How does RocketHub work?

  • Their team finds and partners with the hottest technology companies.
  • Access to crazy SaaS deals is available to you, so be sure not to miss out! These deals sell out very quickly.
  • This will save you thousands of dollars and will equip you with a full arsenal of tools to grow your business.

Claim your spot as a Rocketeer and get access to exclusive discounts and unadvertised offers.

  1. 99Robots


As a YouTube Ads agency video campaigns are in 99 Robots DNA. 99 Robots understands the creativity & power of YouTube ads. Their team of video creators will create stunning video ads from beginning to end. From scriptwriting, scene creation, voiceovers, motion graphics, and editing, their team delivers video ads that will boost sales and help build your brand.

  1. Ampfluence


Stand out and make an impact in the Instagram world where it seems almost impossible to make your social media presence noticeable.

With everyone competing for attention, if you want to grow your Instagram followers organically without bots, then Ampfluence is your answer!

Ampfluence team makes sure that your content and style are on point and use relevant hashtags.

  1. List of top Mobile Application Development Companies


You can list your mobile application development project on unRFP for many agencies to reach out to you or you can shortlist from the mobile app development agencies listed within the directory to send the mobile app development inquiry to a select few

  1. Real Time Email Validation for free


Spammers and scammers abusing the web forms are becoming an increasingly expensive headache for website owners nowadays with the advent of automated tools and scripts. Antideo has a free tier for small business websites to validate email addresses without a cost and prevent fake inquiries.

  1. Jacqueline | Spa & Massage Salon Beauty WordPress Theme + Elementor

Jacqueline | Spa & Massage Salon Beauty WordPress Theme + Elementor

Consider using the Jacqueline WordPress theme as a ready-to-go solution for building a multi-functional spa or beauty website. It’s a multi-functional ready-to-go web design built according to modern web design trends. It’s a fully responsive, multilingual, and RTL-ready theme that lets you build a powerful multilanguage website. It lets you make your site GDPR compliant with privacy checkboxes, cookie pop-ups, and WordPress built-in tools. The theme is based on the Elementor page builder, which lets you create a fully personalized website quickly and worry-free.

  1. Kicker - Multipurpose Blog Magazine WordPress Theme + Gutenberg

Kicker - Multipurpose Blog Magazine WordPress Theme + Gutenberg

Consider using the Kicker WordPress theme to get started with a multi-functional and user-oriented website. It’s a multi-purpose web design featuring a collection of multiple demo skins and 1000+ blog layout variations. Applying the needed changes to the theme’s pages shouldn’t cause you any issues, thanks to the Elementor page builder. The theme is fully compatible with Gutenberg Kadence Blocks – Gutenberg Blocks for Page Builder Features. It also seamlessly integrates with a range of other popular WordPress plugins and extensions. You may feel free to use the theme to launch a web store, thanks to its full compatibility with WooCommerce.

  1. Qwery - Multi-Purpose Business WordPress Theme + RTL

Qwery - Multi-Purpose Business WordPress Theme + RTL

By downloading the Qwery WordPress theme, you get a full package of all the needed tools and ready-to-go designs required for building a functional and user-friendly website. The theme is based on the Elementor page builder and includes 60+ demo skins, which you can modify in the drag-and-drop mode. The fully responsive layout of the theme makes your site’s content look stunning on the screens of handheld and desktop devices. There is no need to create designs for your site’s inner pages from scratch because Qwery is already loaded with an impressive choice of pages for multiple purposes.

  1. Creative Tim

Creative Tim

The famous premium producer of awesome dashboards, UI kits, and other stuff - Creative Tim - offers The Ultimate Stack (102 premium products for both front-end and back-end development) with discount that goes up to 90%.

Get it now.

  1. Fotor Graphic Designer

Fotor Graphic Designer

Designing engaging and high-converting Instagram ads is very simple with Fotor, probably the most popular free online design tool.

You will find included stunning templates and elements, and the interface will guide you each step.

Supercharge your Instagram ads with Fotor.

  1. Xfive


Xfive is one of the biggest brands in the web development agencies world.

They have huge experience, with over 10 years of highly active work, and they handled some of the best projects in the world.

Get your free quote, Xfive will offer their huge-knowledge and help.

54. Icons8 Figma Plugin

Icons8 Figma Plugin

Access the entire Icons8 collection of over 350,000 icons without leaving Figma!

The key plugin highlights include:

  • Thousands of free icons
  • 40+ popular styles (color or monochrome, decorative or minimalistic) to fit any design style
  • Easily obtained the right pixel-perfect icon size
  • Searchable by keywords and categories
  • Icons in PNG (free for a link) or SVG (Pro)


If you are a web designer and you need a professional web development partner that can help you every time you need with high-quality stuff, without ripping you off, get in touch with Goodie.

Read the full post

Get a new pair of denims that perfectly enhances your body type


A pair of denims is a wardrobe staple for men and women alike. They are not just comfortable, casual but can be assimilated into a wide variety of outfits seamlessly. However, at the same time, a pair of jeans can also be the toughest pieces of outfits to buy. In fact, it is a rather daunting task to choose the most comfortable pair of jeans that enhance your body shape accurately and let you feel confident.

Luckily, there are many different ways in which you can simplify the process of buying your best pair of jeans plus size. If you’ve always been thinking of buying a jeans for yourself, you’ve clicked on the right post. Here are few tips that you can keep in mind to pick the right jeans for your body.

Forget about trends

Right now, wearing high-waist jeans is certainly the most famous fashion trend but that doesn’t make you obliged to buy one such for yourself. You should never buy a particular style of jeans just because it is trending. That trending pair of jeans might not flatter your body. While there are some women who may look great in trendy jeans, there are some others who may not. Hence, instead of focusing on trends that come and go, make a firm decision on the type of jeans you should purchase.

Focus on the crotch area

Just as the stretch of the denim fabric, the crotch area will also stretch similarly. So, while buying a new pair of jeans, make sure you are not able grab the fabric around the crotch portion. That is the portion that should fit in snugly with your skin when the pair of jeans is new as it will stretch to a comfortable fit once you start wearing it. If you find the denim fabric hanging between your legs, don’t ever buy that pair of jeans.

Find the right size of waistband

Are you more considered about getting yourself a pair of jeans with a waistband? If yes, there’s a hack that you can follow in order to make sure your jeans are not too tight or loose. Remember that you’re not supposed to slide your entire hand into the back of the jeans. If you can, this means that the jeans are too loose and can become baggy later. Nevertheless, you can just fit in just two fingers down the back portion of your waistband without struggling. In case you can’t do that, then the jeans might make you feel uncomfortable around your stomach or waist.

Take into account the stretch of jeans

It goes without mentioning that jeans are made from denim material, which is popular for its stretchy fabric. Once you visit a store and try out a jeans, they may seem to be too tight and awkward. This can instantly tempt you to buy a bigger size. But buying the next size just because you felt uncomfortable while wearing the jeans in the trial room is not always a good decision. As you start wearing the jeans after bringing it home, they’ll stretch out and gradually become baggy. Hence, it is better to choose a tight and snug-fit jeans as it will definitely stretch according to your skin.

Add flair if you want to improve shape

Women are usually skeptical about buying jeans as their primary fear is that their body might look flat and shapeless in a pair of jeans. So, in case your body shape doesn’t have too many curves for your jeans to fit in properly, you may buy one with extra flair to make an optical illusion of a shapely body. Look for a pair of jeans that has buttons, extra zippers and designs on the pockets to create superfluous additions to your body.

To conclude, always be open to experimentation. It can’t be denied that jeans are a wardrobe staple but they too have the ability to be fun and unique. Follow all the tips mentioned above to find a pair of jeans in which you’ll look your best.

Read the full post

Top Color Trends for Modern Condos in Toronto

The overall design of a condominium is a great factor that influences the buyers on deciding whether or not to purchase the unit. The aesthetics and the layouts of the unit will also be a deciding factor for the buyer. More importantly, color schemes play a huge role in increasing a condominium’s appeal to customers’ tastes. Even food businesses know what color scheme to use to attract customers and make their place look more appealing. The same principles can be applied when designing a condominium. This is because the human mind associates color with different places and situations.


To develop a more relaxed and more comfortable ambiance, architects and designers have been experimenting with different color palettes and hues in designing their buildings. This is relatively visible in populated areas where there is an increase in the construction of condominium units to accommodate more people. In one of the most populated cities in North America, Toronto has experienced a boom in condominium construction. It has become a great place for architects and designers to build their new designs and showcase their brilliance.


Condo Developments in Toronto


Toronto is the capital city of Ontario, Canada, and it is the fourth most populous city in North America. The city has a diverse collection of people since it is one of the nearer cities to the border of Canada and the United States. The city’s location is ideal for people looking for homes that have access to urban and rural areas. This is why, since the early 2000s, condo developments in Toronto have been increasing at a steady rate up until the present. Pre-construction condominiums in the area are known to have top-notch amenities and facilities due to modern innovations incorporated by condo developers. Green-certified buildings and areas, pet-friendly spaces, rooftop swimming pools, as well as sports and workout gyms are some of the remarkable developments in the condominiums. According to Precondo, the Green Building Council of Canada employs an upgraded version of LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), and a lot of buildings are getting this LEED certification through using sustainable, energy-efficient materials and environmentally inclined programs. Other upcoming green buildings will be developed in the area as well. For other news regarding condo developments in Toronto, see more here.


One of the best features of modern condos developed in Toronto is the aesthetic design and unique color schemes that provide a welcoming ambiance to everyone who sets foot inside the units. The creative minds that designed these condominium units have explored several color schemes that appeal to most customers, and they have found several that proved to be the favorites among the buyers. In the next part, we will talk about the different color schemes that are most preferred for condominium units:


Popular Color Schemes for Condominium Units


Color schemes make a huge impact when seeing a room for the first time. It also reflects a person’s taste and preference when it comes to their living environment. The following color schemes are the most popular among homeowners and buyers of condominium units:



  • White and Simplistic



Most condominiums are painted white at first to show a clean look for the buyers. This also allows the buyers a chance to visualize if they want to repaint the rooms or keep them that way. For some people, a white background is the most relaxing view of their homes. Most rooms that are painted white only need a few touches of lighter colors to make the room more vibrant. Lighter colors also proved a minimalist and simplistic touch which can alleviate the feeling of being too cramped up in space. This color scheme also pairs well with wood furnishings, which makes it a popular choice amongst homeowners. Choose this color to give your home a simplistic ambiance and a cleaner look.

White and Simplistic

A white background shows a simplistic design to a room.

Source: Pexels



  • Earth Tones 



Colors resembling wood and earth are used in rooms to give a feeling of history and elegance. This is because luxury houses built a century ago mainly relied on polished wood for walls instead of paint. Today, using rustic colors in the shades of brown and mahogany, paired with high ceilings, certainly gives an elegant vibe to any condominium unit. People with a taste for history and old-fashioned homes are sure to have a taste for condominiums that are painted in this color scheme.


Earth Tones 


Rooms painted with earth tones show elegance and add a rustic feeling.

Source: Pexels



  • Vibrant Colors



Vibrant colors are a popular choice for condominiums because these colors add more light to the rooms. This color scheme is also great for condominium units that have access to outdoor light, especially during the daytime, because these colors catch the sunlight beautifully, and it just makes the room glow. Light colors such as different shades of yellow, orange, or any other bright color scheme can be used to add more glow and light to a condominium unit.

Vibrant Colors

Vibrant colors help make a room glow.

Source: Unsplash



  • Nature Colors



For nature lovers, different shades of green, blue, or yellow are sure to catch their attention. Condominiums also make use of nature-related colors to bring a natural vibe to their rooms. These colors will bring a relaxing ambiance compared to the feeling of walking outdoors under the sun. This color scheme is great for people who like to live outdoors since it makes the room bright and even brings the illusion of more space.

Nature Colors

Nature colors help make a room feel brighter and more relaxing.

Source: Unsplash



  • Black and Darker Shades



Possibly one of the unique color styles, darker shades are also a popular choice for room designers and several condominium buyers. The color scheme itself screams luxury and elegance, and it takes a great designer to make a room look good using only black paint and other darker shades. Still, the finished product absolutely looks stunning, and this style is commonly seen in more elegant and expensive condominium units.

Black and Darker Shades

Darker shades show a more luxurious ambiance to a room.

Source: Pexels

The color scheme of a room is truly one of the most important factors that can captivate a visitor or potential buyer for a condominium unit. It is important that designers know the color and style preference of the market to apply these styles to their interior and create a vibe that will make any person feel at home.

Read the full post

Terms Updated

We’d like to inform you that we have updated our Terms of Use. The most substantive changes are:

This platform was acquired by a joint venture in Israel.
changes have been made to the relevant jurisdiction for disputes which may arise out of your use of the platform.
Changes made to the monetization of users’ creations and the ability to opt out from your account settings.

Please view the revised Terms here. If you don’t mind anything there, then you don’t need to do anything. Your continued use of the platform will constitute your acceptance of the latest version of the Terms. If you disagree with anything there, you can terminate your account within seven days from today.