About COLOURlovers
COLOURlovers is an international creative community that helps people discover their inner designer. We provide people with a wealth of user created & shared color inspiration as well as tools that make the creative process as simple as possible. Whether you’re simply looking for a color palette to kickstart your next project or want to produce a piece of vector art, we have the tools and services to help anybody from go from design inspiration to execution.
There are 9,415,126 COLOURlovers around the world who have created 10,291,798 Colors, 4,961,622 Palettes and 6,030,823 Patterns.
Be Inspired + Share the Color Love
Create a Color, Palette or Pattern. Join a Forum or Group. Comment and Vote.
Use our advanced palette-making software, COPASO and PHOTOCOPA.
Keep up with color trends by subscribing to our Color + Design Blog.
See what the COLOURlovers tweeple are up to: follow us on twitter.
Become a COLOURlover and start creating and sharing your color ideas.
Have a Question or looking for some Wearable Love
The COLOURlovers Team

Bubs - Ambassador of Love & CEO
Favorite Color | Click Pink |
Favorite Palette | Bubbletripper : ) |
Favorite Pattern | Happy CLAD Manasi |
Darius A. Monsef IV, known by his friends as Bubs, knows every person has an awesome creative talent and wants to help them find it and share it with the world.
He created COLOURlovers while playing with the idea that all of us see and experience color differently and he wanted to create a place for people to share those unique perspectives.
He’s also a co-founder of the disaster relief non-profit All Hands Volunteers and has spent more than one year living in disaster zones around the world.
His greatest achievement is getting his 2nd grade crush to eventually marry him.
“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” - Dr. Carl Sagan
See what Bubs is up to on Twitter: @bubs
Check out the FAQ group here.