Celebrating Community ~ CLAD Turns One!

Today we celebrate the first birthday of the all-popular community-run group, COLOURlovers Artist of the Day, better known as CLAD!

CLAD was a user created idea that was user developed, user loved and is currently user managed — and massively user adored! Since CLAD’s inception exactly a year ago, the group has attracted over 400 members, spawned more than 18,500 patterns and created over 2,500 celebratory 1Lover Palettes.

Today, the CLAD group founder and administrator, Dawn, AKA COLOURlover, American Women, would like to share and celebrate the COLOURlovers community that is CLAD. Take it away Dawn!

Image courtesy by WordofMouse 

Hello COLOURlovers, my name is Dawn DeSimone-otherwise known on COLOURlovers as American Women. Today is CLAD’s 1st Birthday!

About a year ago I had a thought. Since then I have committed quite a few thought crimes, but this one in particular was about you, “The Colour Lovers Community”. I thought you ALL deserved “one day” to be recognized for your amazing talent, dedication, and commitment to the colour revolution! Just one day for your peers to discover you, celebrate you, and be inspired by you, and so…….

CLAD was born! Each day we randomly select a COLOURlover from the group as our featured artist and encourage other lovers to visit their profile page, explore and love their art, and then use their palettes, colours and templates to create patterns and 1 Lover Palettes in celebration of their work. We then induct them into the Colour Lovers Colours group, better known as CLCL, where we encourage lovers to name a colour in their honor.

At that time, I personally was on my 6th COLOURlovers member identity incarnation and had finally settled on American Women. Ycc2106 was my COLOURlovers idol, friend and now partner in thought crime. She helped take CLAD from forum to group to fun to what it is today. Ycc2106’s community efforts are priceless! She is currently on hiatus for “reasons unknown” and with ycc2106 missing the group went on hiatus for a while too… she is deeply missed, yet never forgotten because of people like you who continue the legacy of what CLAD’s mission stands for!

The COLOURlovers Community day blog survey helped bring us back when we were down for the count. I want to thank the COLOURlovers Team for that. Users stepped up to the plate and pitched in to keep the cause going!

Member-Contributors hard at work for CLAD’s Mission

Wordofmouse now updates the groups list, runs the random chooser and creates the badge for the daily CLAD, as well as the badge for CLCLhana* creates the highlights gallery, maintains the index and has introduced us all to the joys of the “LoversLounge“. Ketisse runs the 1 Lover Color Palette (1LP) group.

Image courtesy by hana* 

In honor of CLAD’s first birthday, I would like to present to you one of COLOURlovers most loved community artist, known for her amazing templates, crazy/fun personality (“BananAnna) and her magical HTML animated patterns!

Today’s CLAD is…

Friday 20th July 2012

Today is CLAD’s official birthday and to celebrate ycc2106 is our CL artist of the day!

If any of them inspires you to make a pattern, or the colours to make a palette: tag it CLAD and post your creations here


1LP – One Lover Color Palette

Interpretation Fun & Daily RC Challenge

Patterns by Type

SPLONK the world!



About the author, American Women

Born in New York, Dawn DeSimone is a fourth generation American Artist, whose family roots can be traced back to Poland, Italy, Ireland, Germany and Norway. Starting in performance arts and in television at age 5, her work has an underlying natural advertising subconscious influenced by pop culture and mixed with a strong sense of her own philosophy. After college, where she majored in Radio/TV/Film, she started the next phase of her career at MTV. She is most famous for her voice-over work as an artist at MTV as well as her trademark “vocal imagery” style. She was commissioned by MTV to do a painting to celebrate the network’s 25th anniversary party. Her collections can be found from Miami nightclubs, to rehabilitation centers, to personal collectors in France. Her work is currently being showcased on Hypestir.com. The collection is a mix of Music, voice-overs, video, fashion, painting, Colour Lover Art, social mixed-media, and yes, sometimes even graffiti.

Originals can be purchased at Decor Art Gallery in NYC, directly from her site decorartgallery.net, as well as various rehabilitation offices in the South Jersey area! Her original patterns on Colour Lovers can be ordered as-is or custom-coloured–and signed upon request.

Author: Molly Bermea
Hi! I'm the COLOURlovers Community Curator. I come from a family with five imaginative kids. My mom instilled creativity to the max and you can usually find us scheming together, figuring out new ways to sew, craft or build DIY projects. The core of my artistic bone is in the art of painting.