Seattle, WA
Prenatal Care
Hello Colourlovers!
I'm so happy to be here. I just love the web, and I love design and web development so that = win win win. I have found so many good palettes and patterns here, bookmarked a ton of them. Loving this place so far, can't believe I hadn't found it earlier!
I am a very lucky mother of 3 from Seattle Washington and I am a web developer and marketer who has been focused primarily on the pregnancy and parenting markets for the past few years. I believe that pregnancy can be an incredibly difficult time for women to make informed decisions on products and practices because it is such an overwhelming period of life, and so much conflicting information and advice can be dealt out. After having gone through 3 pregnancies myself I decided to start helping new mothers to make intelligent product choices, and to educate them on their health and on pregnancy in general. I have started many sites such as my newest one that is dedicated to pregnancy pillow products which you can check out at
bestpregnancypillows.org, it has a ton of information on sleep health and all sorts of stuff. As I said before, I believe that women deserve honest and quality advice during this time, as there are so many products and books marketed to pregnant women, it is so important to give them the knowledge and tools they need. Blessed is the internet!
That about wraps up my bio, there is much more to me but those are my focii at the moment! If you want to get in touch or just say hi then please msg me or leave a message on my profile.
Theresa M.
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