First of all, THANK YOU for loving/faving my works! I'm glad to see them being enjoyed here. =)
Here are my recent contest entries. (None.)
(The song is The Book of Love by the Magnetic Fields from their album 69 Love Songs...)
Hello, I tend to wander off on tangents, usually they relate to the topic at hand in some way. I’m an artist, conservationist, cat/dog/rat/Betta fish lover, book lover, music lover, color lover, and geeky gamer chick. My favorite colors are: Blue, then Green or Purple in roughly that order, depending on how my whimsy is leading me on any given day. I take pictures of nature (particularily Elk City Resevoir) as I find it, with small exceptions like a coin to show scale. I like to draw people's eyes to details they might normally overlook. Below are some of my photos, you can find more at my flickr photostream. The first photo was taken with a disposable Kodak Funcam. The rest were taken with a Nikon Coolpix L16 digital camera. (You can click through to pull up the photo on flickr to get the caption and other information if you like... The colorful reflections are of a fountain that lights up and changes colors.)
Look over my photos if you like, or use the jump button below to get straight to the comment form and leave a comment? =)
How well do you see color? (<--Link to a quiz.)
Below are some pertinent links about the Multiple Intelligence Inventory Project, which was a study to find out about the eight styles of learning. I participated in the study.
(MI-Inventory Project Page)
(Read about eight styles of learning)
(Try the Stencil Stacking task and learn about metacognition.)
(Try the Scanning Task to learn about perceptual processes in reading.)
Interpreting Results
Higher scores indicate areas of possible strength. In most cases user profiles will include one or more areas of strength, or peaks in the bar chart. Review your own results for "peaks". Do those results parallel the understanding you have of yourself?
Read about eight styles of learning (<--link) to learn more about the characteristics associated with each of the multiple intelligences, and take the Multiple Intelligences Workshop (<--link) to learn about MI theory and instructional strategies for multiple intelligences.
Linguistic =32
Mathematics =34
Visual/Spatial =33
Body/Kinesthetic =38
Naturalistic =38
Music =45
Interpersonal =32
Intrapersonal =39
Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
22 56 67 33
(Introverted:22 Intuitive: 56 Feeling: 67 Judging:33)
You are:
* slightly expressed introvert
* moderately expressed intuitive personality
* distinctively expressed feeling personality
* moderately expressed judging personality
My entries for previous colors of the year, I'm keeping them up cause I like them!
containing night *