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Forums»Color Talk»Lover's Lounge»Color-hoarding/mass-claiming


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I just wanted to note for the record, that while it might appear that I've been colour hoarding of late, in reality I've just transferred colours I had already named from my old account to my new one. Every one of them is used in either a palette or pattern of mine. Also, for what it's worth, I threw back (deleted) around 1500 little colour fishies that weren't being used either by me or in 1LPs made for me. It's not a lot in the grand scheme of things but hopefully it helps increase the remaining colour pool a little. It's a shame that colours with terrible or no names (i.e. just a hex code) can't be recycled by admin in a similar way. I realise there are a whole bunch of difficulties associated with this though.
What happens if you delete a color that you are using? Or that someone else is usung?

I just ran an experiment. If you delete a color that is used in a pattern or palette, it doesn't affect the pattern or palette, it just renames the color with a hex code and doesn't show an owner for the color. It's very generous of you, Luna to go through and delete all those colors. I'm not sure I have the patience. What would really be nice is if CL didn't force you to name every color you "discover" (unless you want to).
But that's not harding, sweet K! We're talking about those who claim them by the thousands :p You're too kind as usual :)
L u n a wrote:
I just wanted to note for the record, that while it might appear that I've been colour hoarding of late, in reality I've just transferred colours I had already named from my old account to my new one. Every one of them is used in either a palette or pattern of mine. Also, for what it's worth, I threw back (deleted) around 1500 little colour fishies that weren't being used either by me or in 1LPs made for me. It's not a lot in the grand scheme of things but hopefully it helps increase the remaining colour pool a little. It's a shame that colours with terrible or no names (i.e. just a hex code) can't be recycled by admin in a similar way. I realise there are a whole bunch of difficulties associated with this though.
irenesway wrote:
What happens if you delete a color that you are using? Or that someone else is usung?

Eventually they go back into the system. If anyone clicks on the colour now they should be able to rename it.

GabsGiggles wrote:
But that's not hoarding, sweet K! We're talking about those who claim them by the thousands :p

Thanks gorgeous Gabs, I just wanted to make sure there was no misunderstandings.
It's getting more and more difficult finding colours… I love to leave penny tips for everyone.. I wish this hoarding would stop. It's not nice, and very selfish for no apparent reason! Please consider others.

I also don't like when people don't give nice names to their colours!
I do love to create colors, but I also try and use every color I make. I usually make them so I CAN create new palettes (and sometimes patterns). I enjoy finding colors for creating. I hope no one feels as if I am hoarding to just name colors. That's not it at all. If I had any colors I didn't use, it's usually because I've recently created them or deleted the palette in which I named a color for that I just didn't like.
I will be releasing all of my named colors back into the wild this week, meaning about 2,000 colors will be available for naming soon. Have fun finding them!
OrigamiMei wrote:
I will be releasing all of my named colors back into the wild this week, meaning about 2,000 colors will be available for naming soon. Have fun finding them!
OrigamiMei wrote:
I will be releasing all of my named colors back into the wild this week, meaning about 2,000 colors will be available for naming soon. Have fun finding them!

May I ask why you will be doing this?
Thats great but the spammers will probably get most of them and most of them will be called buy cheap viagra or buy minecraft mod x or something.

When is this site going to erase the colours stolen by the spambots and release them back into the system. It makes m so sad to see a pretty or rarer colour called buy generic moxypoxyloxlin or something

There will be no more colours left at this rate the spambots are taking them at a rate of dozens per minute and it was already getting harder to find coloursvbefore them

I've tried for ages to make one using 'create a colour' but I'm not having any luck. Is there a way to find one other than by trial and error? I'd be very grateful to anyone who can offer assitance .


I'm of the opinion that all blacks, near-blacks, whites and near-whites are basically all gone at this point. I've tried to find some and the best I can do is a lightish yellow and a couple of dark purples or greens. The less saturated it is (and closer to gray/black) the less likely you'll find one, too.

As for the OT, I get kind of annoyed by color-hoarding when I'm looking for one color in a certain hue and I run through like twenty around the same hex number, by the same person, with the same name! Like, why even have twenty colors that look almost exactly the same and name them the same thing? I don't get it.
most of the colors on CL have been hoarded by a user named: skyblue2u
to be exact 261.522

this user has many other ghost ID's with yet more colors hoarded on each one of them

same is happening on the clone site of CL -
Skyblue has been a topic of discussion many times when it comes to this topic. The issue has even been discussed with admin and they see nothing wrong with it. :/

skimmersky wrote:
most of the colors on CL have been hoarded by a user named: skyblue2u
to be exact 261.522

this user has many other ghost ID's with yet more colors hoarded on each one of them

same is happening on the clone site of CL -
OrigamiMei wrote:
Skyblue has been a topic of discussion many times when it comes to this topic. The issue has even been discussed with admin and they see nothing wrong with it. :/

skimmersky wrote:
most of the colors on CL have been hoarded by a user named: skyblue2u
to be exact 261.522

this user has many other ghost ID's with yet more colors hoarded on each one of them

same is happening on the clone site of CL -

Yeah,that's very obvious as they have never prevented this behaviour. Same with the spamming issue and the multiple ID's. Why,because they don't care,it's a sold place! They've made the money and now it's turned spammed/ hacked joke of a site,unfortunately! User's like skyblue2u ruin places like this right from the start though! Relentless hoarding,etc! Truly believe the place is doomed,so we'll "enjoy" it while we can I guess..
This place is not doomed even in the medium term, I have good reason to know. More anti-spam measures incoming, as well. People have been prophesying doom here for a long time, and have been lastingly wrong. Not saying riding out the spam has been easy, or not discouraging, however.

I have a lot of colors, and if anybody wants some, just let me know. I'll release most token named requested, except for a those few which appear in special palettes. I don't consider many palettes special, though.

As for colorbuffs, which is not a clone of CL, you are limited to 2000 colors and no more. After the first rush, color naming has slowed down quite a bit over there, because people are saving the remainder.
I,.too, have heard that more spam prevention is coming, which is fantastic. I'm excited about that. Learning that CB has a limit to colors named is awesome, also. Thanks for sharing that information with us, Edith. :)

eighteyed wrote:
This place is not doomed even in the medium term, I have good reason to know. More anti-spam measures incoming, as well. People have been prophesying doom here for a long time, and have been lastingly wrong. Not saying riding out the spam has been easy, or not discouraging, however.

I have a lot of colors, and if anybody wants some, just let me know. I'll release most token named requested, except for a those few which appear in special palettes. I don't consider many palettes special, though.

As for colorbuffs, which is not a clone of CL, you are limited to 2000 colors and no more. After the first rush, color naming has slowed down quite a bit over there, because people are saving the remainder.
I feel a bit guilty now. I've been like a kid in a candy store on CB and have enjoyed being able to find and name colors that are more in the pastel range, which are the ones I tend to use most. After reading the above, I'll rein myself in and not get so carried away. Thank you all!
It is great having free access to so many colors! I didn't slow down until I had quite a bit more than you do, lol. The greatest problem with colors on CB in my opinion is that because colors are not claimed during the palette making process, someone can come along and name all your palette colors beforehand, unless you name them yourself. That can be fun, or offensive, depending. I have tended lately to make palettes out of named colors mostly, or all my own, to compensate. It's different, for sure.
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