Category: Tools

Shopping By Color: Polyvore

Polyvore is a member based web application that allows its users to sort through uploaded images or…

As Seen By The Color Blind

In the U.S. 7% of the male population – or about 10.5 million men – and 0.4%…

Idée Labs: Multicolor Image Search

Idée Labs has created a useful set of online image search tools, including a multicolor search that…

Color Tools (Other Than COLOURlovers’)

Many of you here in the community are quite familiar with the color tools available on COLOURlovers…

COLOURlovers API Documentation and Showcase

With the release of the COLOURlovers API, you can now access 1.4 million named colors and more…

Free Advanced DHTML Color Picker

When we were developing COPASO, we found that we needed to have a more advanced color picker…