How to Pick the Right Sofa Color

colorful sofa

A sofa is a pleasant and adaptable piece of furnishings that is an incredible asset to a living area, often utilized for relaxation or leisure. Although there are many factors to consider when choosing a sofa, such as material and style, colour is also significant.


Colour has an impact on how comfortable the sofa is to clean as well as how comfy it makes your living room. Choosing the appropriate sofa colour is crucial because it is the focal point of your living room.


But, before you become frustrated, keep in mind that you don’t need to be an expert interior designer to match your sofa to the rest of your space. We’ll cover all you need to know about choosing the proper shade for your sofa and designing the ideal living room in this piece.


House theme

The most crucial key consideration when picking a sofa colour is the entire motif of your house. How would you describe the atmosphere in your home? Which design motif would you choose for your household?

If your home is decorated in an eclectic style with splashes of colour here and there, your sofa should match. An orange or crimson sofa, for instance, would readily merge with a colourful décor that includes vibrant drapes, mats, cushions, and wall panels.



Material has a significant role in the sofa experience. It not only enhances the overall appearance of the sofa, but it also allows you to select the colour.

If you would like a leather sofa in your family room, for example, check for colour selections that look great on leather and fit your design. The proper colour for your sofa will be determined by the material you select; Sofa Italia leather sofas are an excellent choice.


Room dimensions

Although it may not appear so, the size and location of your living area might have an impact on the colour palettes you choose. Most family rooms are huge, open areas that may accommodate various activities.


If yours isn’t, though, you’ll want to avoid dark or rich hues since they might make your sofa appear larger and more imposing. Light colours work well in dark spaces or have a lot of windows.


Because certain sitting rooms are located in less appealing areas of the house, such as the basement, a light-coloured sofa will make the space appear less dim and confined. Light colours will fade less in a setting with a lot of windows.


Avoid trends at all costs

Couches are an asset that should be treasured and kept for at least 7-15 years due to their ordinarily hefty price. As a result, we recommend avoiding trendy statement accessories. You could wind up with a pricey blunder if the trend passes.


As you can pay respect to trends that appeal to you, we recommend focusing your efforts on smaller pieces such as decorative pillows that will be less expensive to replace as the trend fades.


Keeping Stains at Bay

If you have minor children, the colour of a living room area sofa may be influenced by this. Your kids will most probably like to play in the living area, and you and your family may dine there as well. If this is the case, then tracked-back is the way to go.


Spills and mishaps are nearly inevitable when your sofa is covered in dirt, so you’ll want to make washing those incidents and keeping your sofa looking nice as simple as possible. Browns, grays, and dark colours will easily disguise dirt and stains, prolonging the fresh and clean appearance of your sofa.


Choose if you want a bold or subtle piece of furniture

If you’re unsure where to begin when selecting the appropriate colour for your sofa, consider whether you want a statement piece or something more subtle. This will allow you to limit your alternatives swiftly. Bright colours will make your sofa pop, while neutrals will keep it understated.


Your unique preferences will determine the best solution. Relaxing on a vibrant sofa each day, for example, could bring you a lot of satisfaction.


However, if you prefer a more sleek and simple look, don’t feel compelled to abandon it to find a unique sofa. If you like a more subdued colour scheme, you can always dress up a piece of more impartial furniture with pillows and rugs.



Final Verdict: Where to Buy New Couches

You have so many alternatives to selecting a new John Lewis sofa that it might make your mind spin. Their couches are designed with stylish modern aesthetics in mind and can be adjusted to fit any size area.


They also have resources to address all of your furniture-related inquiries, such as the appropriate fabric for sofa upholstery. Get that sofa that you so desire today!

Author: JanusGP