Get Inspired with a Colorful Sketchbook

A far cry from that snazzy Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper you had as a kid, and definitely not some boring faux-leather ledger, these beautiful sketchbooks, notebooks and office supplies deliver color in a surprising way. Definitely gets me excited to start a new project!

From Tas-ka.

Note_Your_Pinks 80s_All_Grown_Up

Geometry Jotters from Present & Correct.

Postalco Notebook available at Spartan Shop.


Mondrian_Wow Country_House

Sketchbook Palettes from the Library

sketchbooks sketchbook

Sketchbook SketchBook

sketchbook Sketchbook

Sketchbook sketchbook

Author: PitchDesign
Margot Harrington is a graphic designer, art junkie, and all-around collaborator captivated by all forms of making and doing. Her friends include oldstyle numerals, antique books and dusty suitcases, bike rides and old wacky electronics. When not designing, she does odd jobs and documents art & design on the internet at