A Color Palette For Every Vibe

bright color palette

Deciding on a color palette which fits your mood is like choosing the right playlist for the day. Colourlovers are explorers who discover new palettes for every occasion, matching perfect shades with perfect tones, for the blues and the jazz of a perfect day.


We came across a list of palettes by Reux Design Co, their top picks for five different ambiances.


  1. Soft, Romantic, Organic


If you are feeling poetic, full of care and tenderness, this delicate flower which is created with this choice of colors can make your day even more romantic. This palette fits vagabond souls, nature-loving and free spirits, it is a spontaneous yet gentle combination. Every shade is a soft pick, but put together they are a perfect fit for dreamers and love birds.


#c6d8cf | #dfbbb6 | #e7c9b1 | #f6e3c4 | #dc7863


2. Strong, Masculine, Clean


Black and white are always giving a strong impression, like a good cup of coffee in the morning. This combination is exuding simplicity and clear rationalist view. Strong blue and green are empowering this simple base and giving the “muscles” to your combination.

strong color palette at colourlovers


#5c5ba7 | #43a472 | #f0f0f0 | #000000

3. Bright, Cheerful, Fun


Now, this palette is like riding a roller coaster. It has everything you need for a bright sunny day – the gray is a firm base for the cheery shades of blue and red, not too strong but not subtle either. Smooth shades of orange and yellow are adding the sweetness, playfulness, and goofiness to the combination. Almost if you can taste the lollypop, sugar melting in your mouth, just from looking at these shades full of flavor.

bright color palette


#40979b | #acb0ad | #f06134 | #ffd2aa | #faf6a7


4. Luxurious, Thoughtful, Mature


Sophisticated color palettes never get old. Everybody has a moment when they need one – like a royal outfit combination to make us come across as more mature and serious. This choice, however, doesn’t have any haughty statements but offers a wiser point of view, full of understanding.  These colors remind us to appreciate life and the knowledge that comes with time.

luxurious color palette


#adc9c7 | #254a45 | #d9b9a9


5. Girly, Rich, Bold


This brave color composition is contained of very strong, juicy shades, on a dirty white base. Even though it appears playful, nothing about this palette is innocent. The purple shade is the most tricky one – one thing is to be brave, and another not to know if we can pull something off. This blend is both feminine and masculine at the same time, which is its true wealth.

girly color palette at colourlovers


#842279 | #f5290b | #f1f0e8 | #171e4b


About the author:

Nina Petrov is an activist, poet, performer and mathematician. She communicates with the world mostly through words, movement and equations, but sometimes also by speaking very loudly. The only truth she could say about herself is that she keeps changing every day, never stops learning and interacting with her surroundings.

Author: ana