Colourlovers community: Seven colour palettes you liked best

We shared, you voted. This article will present the best colour palettes of the previous month that you can combine and use for your creative projects.


1. Story told in waves


2. Five shades of dark

3. The shadows of the sea

4. Just a summer day

5. Magic in colour: Orange

6. Magic in colour: Purple

7. Magic in colour: Yellow


We asked a fellow Colourlover, Antonio Sánchez, to help us out and make colourful mandalas using the color combinations from palettes that were the most popular on our Instagram account in the past month.

Can you match the mandalas with the palettes?







If you want to try and make something similar, head up to his blog and check out the code he wrote for previous collaboration with ColourLovers. Isn’t it great?

If there are any of you Colourlovers that love to be creative, original, love to share your work, shoot us an email or a social media message so we can see how we can collaborate and inspire our community.

How did you like mandalas? Do you do something similar? Let us know in the comment section.


About the author:

Antonio Sánchez Chinchón is mathematician who works as data scientist at Telefónica, where he tries hard to extract value from data every day. He is the creator of Fronkonstin, a blog on mathematical experiments, data science, data art and R programming. He plays the banjo in a rock band. You can find him on Twitter @aschinchon.

Author: ana