Unique Social Media Buttons

You can’t deny it! We are living in an age of social media and to go along with it, there are a plethora of social media icons. Marketers are constantly encouraging more likes, more shares, more views, and they just can’t get enough. Social media is exploding and it doesn’t look like it’s ever going to slow down!

Are you looking for new ways to drive business to your site? Get creative and find a unique looking icon that will be sure to catch the eye of your reader. Check out these original, modern, and even funky social media icons to add to your site.

Watercolor Social Media Icons by DingbatPress

Social Media Pixel Square Icons by FreshCreations

Floral Social Media Icons by dinosaurstew

54 Social Media Icons by Martin-Jamez

Sparkly Social Profile Icons by Verve & Sass

70 Sweet Social Media Icons by KL-Webmedia

Circle Social Media Icons by Theme Trunk

Glitter Social Media Icons by DingbatPress

Social Media Stamps by Kenny Williams

Watercolor Icons by Pixelista

Transparent Social Buttons by KL-Webmedia


We really hope you’ve been inspired to seek out a fun and unique social media icon that will hopefully encourage more clicks! Feel free to browse more of Creative Market’s fabulous web design ideas.

Author: sarah