Plywerk – Naturally Display Your Artwork

Introducing…PLYWERK, an eco-conscious photo mounting and art panel company based in Portland Oregon. They work with professional artists, photographers, interior designers, point and shoot photographers, parents, and everyone in between!

Art pieces are a made up of your print adhered to a Plywerk Panel to create a beautifully natural piece of wall art. Gorgeous bamboo or maple are offered for the wood options.

Plywerk Anatomy 101

Bamboo & Maple Plywerk Panels

COLOURlovers has recently become a Pro Partner of PLYWERK. Why is this super notable to mention? Because you’re going to get the best, most amazing deals ever when you create an account (which is free). These deals are customized to COLOURlovers Members Only under the Prodeal membership (which is also free). Pretty sweet huh?

COLOURlovers Creations On Your Wall…

You can mount anything photography, graphic design pieces, etc. I’d personally like to see some fantastic patterns from the community mounted on these!




FIRST: Create A New Account on

NEXT: Sign Up For A New Account.

Make sure you check the box under, “Prodeal Signup?” which will unlock the Pro Partners selectors where you’ll be able to enter your COLOURlovers information.

Want to see COLOURlovers work on a Plywerk piece?

I’d love to see your COLOURlovers + Plywerk piece. Plywerk offers a layered PSD file for you to mask your creation. If you want to play around with it, the file link is located on the Prodeal page here (bottom – left).

Let’s see what ya got!

Author: Molly Bermea
Hi! I'm the COLOURlovers Community Curator. I come from a family with five imaginative kids. My mom instilled creativity to the max and you can usually find us scheming together, figuring out new ways to sew, craft or build DIY projects. The core of my artistic bone is in the art of painting.