Tracey Melton’s Tree Ring Paintings & Other Lovely Layers

Tracey Melton’s Tree Ring Paintings are made from dead red and white Elm trees and acrylic paint, adding a colorful twist to the natural beauty of the wood.

“My work is a expression of what I sees while hiking and camping in the Appalachian Mountains. It is based on how nature develops, grows, dies, then starts again.”

Other lovely layers

Recycled Skate board Jewelry by Sevenply

Crochet Covered Upcycled Jars by Studio Karma

Author: evad
David Sommers has been loving color as COLOURlovers' Blog Editor-in-Chief for the past two years. When he's not neck deep in a rainbow he's loving other things with The Post Family (, a Chicago-based art blog, artist collective & gallery.