Interior Design Trends: Yellow, Black & White

As the warm weather approaches  I find myself mentally preparing for the upcoming season. Certain things, such as fashions and soirees, enter your mind and you begin to anticipate what is in store and what colors you might wish to see. Bold, bright, airy and cheery colors are usually what I envision. And yellow (bright and cheery), black (bold) and white (airy) are what are currently on my mind.

pillowclockthrowbowllamp | agate slicetable | art

Interior: 1, 2

piet_mondrian Paramecium

Glow Zoom_Zoom

Stop_the_war Taxi-Cab-Confessions

Author: Olan
Olan provides design consultations and is a proud mother of three who effectively manages both family and business life. She graduated with a bachelor of fine arts degree in interior design and truly loves what she does, her remarkable work ethic and dedication are a clear indication of that.