Powerful Ways to Grow Your Graphic Design Business on YouTube

graphic design

YouTube has transformed the way we promote brands, businesses, or products via video content by allowing everyone to create their own channel. Whether you are a freelancer, a larger organization or a startup, you can create a YouTube channel to upload and promote video content to reach the target audience.

According to numbers, YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google that people use to find useful stuff, solutions to their problems, and to learn more about their favorite brands. With almost 1 billion people watching videos on this popular video sharing platform, there is a golden chance for you to promote your creative graphic designing skills and expertise in front of a broader audience.

Whether you are a beginner colour lover or managing an established graphic design business, below I have listed some powerful ways you can take on right now to grow your graphic design work on YouTube.

Ensure your YouTube basics are satisfactory

Before doing anything else, you should take a deeper look at the fundamentals of the YouTube channels to make sure all the important boxes are ticked. Basic YouTube housekeeping starts with a consistent visual ID. Create an awesome channel icon, and YouTube banner (channel art) that show about your graphic design business a lot. If you are a brand or business, the use of a professional logo is highly recommended to be consistent in business branding. Fill the ‘About’ section of your channel with the most relevant and powerful words so potential customers or partners can easily find and get in touch. Make sure to add your social media profile links on the channel to help visitors find you across different digital channels.

Get views from YouTube’s organic search results

Just like other search engines around the globe, YouTube also has its own algorithms. They use it to provide users with the most relevant and useful videos in search results. There are many things you can do to get more organic views on your videos by appearing in search results. You can start with using descriptive and keyword-rich video titles. Also, use lengthy and keyword-rich product descriptions and tags along with creating enticing video thumbnails. You can also buy real YouTube views if you are not sure how to get YouTube SEO right. There are several YouTube growth services that you can avail for this purpose.

Ask viewers to subscribe

Getting more people to subscribe to your YouTube channel is one of the best and powerful ways to grow your designing related channel. You can encourage your audience to subscribe by adding a call to action in your videos. As numbers are always lower at the start, you can buy YouTube subscribers from a reliable company to make your channel look popular and inspire viewers to subscribe. It helps you get all your videos in front of the subscribers as soon as released. The more subscribers you will have, the more you will get views on your graphic design related videos.

Make your designing YouTube channel discoverable

Right after getting the basics right and have some awesome videos ready to move forward, make sure people can find your channel easily. Along with using keyword-rich titles and descriptions, adding channel keywords is a great way to make your channel discoverable. You can add channel keywords by clicking creator studio> channel> advanced> channel keywords. You will find a text box to add keywords that are relevant to your channel. So make sure to choose the most relevant and trending keywords (in your industry) to make it easily discoverable in YouTube search. You can also buy views on your videos to make them popular and appear in top search results. Hence, you should spend your money on the best site to buy YouTube views if you really want to reap the benefits of paid YouTube growth services.

Collaborate with popular colour lovers (graphic designers) on YT

In this modern landscape, collaboration is the hottest trend on YouTube. It is one of the best ways to grow your designing channel as it gives you more exposure and present your content in front of a totally new and relevant audience. When you work with a popular YouTuber in your niche or industry, your content is likely to be presented in front of their subscribers that can incredibly help you grow your presence on YouTube. Just find out some popular colour lovers (graphic designers) on YouTube and reach them out with an alluring collaboration offer. Most of them are ready to work for free (or for the sake of cross-promotion). In this way, you can easily get your graphic design business in front of more eyeballs even without spending marketing bucks.

Share your YouTube videos on social media

The beauty of video content is that you can easily share it across different social media sites to get more eyeballs on your videos. Sharing YouTube videos on your social media profiles is one of the powerful ways to grow your YouTube channel. Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest can amazingly help you grow your audience. For this purpose, you can create a short video and link it to your channel to drive more traffic towards your channel. As attention spans are shorter these days, try to hook your audience in the first few seconds on your videos to encourage them to see the full video.

Author: JanusGP