The Colors of Good vs. Evil: Comic Book Color Palettes [infographic]

Since the first comic was printed in 1933, many colorful stories have been told… and don’t let the name distract you, not all of them are funny. Comics have had moving, adventurous, dark & serious stories that have entertained young and old for almost a century. The comic industry might be changing, but business is still huge… Comic-Con 2010 was attended by 130,00 people! And the surge of comics-to-blockbuster movie trend thats been happening the past decade is making sure the world of comics continues to be a big part of our modern pop culture.

Paying homage to the colorful world of comic books, superheroes and villains… we wanted to take a closer look at the colors in comics and see if they too can tell a story…

Who Is Your Favorite Colorful Comic Book Character?

Good, bad… primary, secondary… Who’s your favorite character and what colors are they? Do their colors stay true to some of the “rules” above?

As a kid, the Punisher was always my favorite character, although he’s not a very colorful guy. :)

Comic Book Colors from the CL Community

Comic_Book Old_Comic_Book
Old_Comic_Book Living_in_a_Comic
Comic_Book_BOOM_POW! Comic_Book_Dialogue

Superhero_Accesories Superhero!
superhero Superhero_Hype
villian Im_Your_Villian

Author: COLOURlover
My name is Darius A Monsef IV & my friends call me Bub(s)(ba). Chief Lover at / Cofounder of Founder, Philanthropist, Designer, Builder & Writer. P.S. I love you.