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Palette Blend:
Satsuma Salli
I'll check out your new idea/thought.
eighteyed wrote:
No, no, you're good! I did notice the similarity when your palette was new, and that's why I collected the badge down below (I enjoy collecting badges). My palette is 2 years old next week, how is anybody supposed to keep track of these things? It's a happy coincidence. Mine is more blue, less reddish. Besides, you made yours in Photocopa from a different picture, so I know it's completely original. I do notice that certain famous palettes follow particular color ideas, which I'm tentatively calling tropes, you can see me exploring one (the three shades of golden/reddish, one dark, one green/blue) on my page Test Tube. Maybe this is another trope, but I think it's less common.
I've made other palettes from berry pictures, and they are nothing like. So, no worries!
I think this picture was augmented by an instagram-type filter.
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