Yes, great pattern by Colorpie! Thanks for lovin' my spin on it :)
Enjoy yourself here!
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Thank you. The truth is I had the benefit of close contact with graphic artist who worked in this style a lot. And did a lot of old fashioned hand lettering like they used in the old west. Signage and the like. So I learned some rules of art. But I'm no expert. I just know some methodologies. It does pay to learn rules of design and apply them. I don't know if any universities still teach hand lettering and hand drawn design of the various periods. Art Nouveau, Art Deco and thru the 1970's. Vector graphics using Illustrator can generate curves, but after a while it all looks the same. Learning to use french curves by hand opens up a whole new awareness. You can buy French curves templates for very little money at art stores. They are plastic templates you lay down on paper like ruler and trace to make shapes. It's amazing what you can do with them. There are several different standard designs.
Just studying the old designs can also help.