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Sharing the Love

Created Sep 28, 2007

Sharing the Love











The un-official FAQ - A group for sharing information about the COLOURlovers - tips and tricks, instructions, questions and answers of all kinds. If you dont know where to start, look in the "index" conversation.

All about Groups

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What are groups for? / What is a group?

Groups are a convenient way for ColourLovers to gather colors and palettes together, or to have a conversation on a particular subject. Typically there is a theme - "Animal Lovers" or "Palettes with only Three colors".

How do I find a group?

Click on "Groups" in the main site menu.

A sub-menu will be revealed. If you choose "New Groups" you will see a list of all the groups on ColourLovers, arranged with the newest group first.

If you choose "Search Groups", a page opens that allows you to type in a keyword, and search for all groups that have something to do with that word.

If you have already joined any groups, you will find them listed under "My Groups".

How do I join a group?

Once you have found the listing of a group, enter the group by clicking on its name or its avatar.

Look for the "join this group" button at the top right of the page. Click this button, and you are a group member.

If the group has been set to private, you cannot join unless you have been invited. You can tell that a group is private by the little "lock" icon next to its listed name. You can request to join a private group by clicking on the "if you would like to be invited" link in the group.

How do I add a palette or color to a group?

You can only add a palette or color to a group you are a member of. Adding happens from the palette or color's page, not from the group's page. You can only add your own palettes or colors to a group. You cannot add other people's work.

Go to the palette or color's page.
Click on the "Edit" button you fill find on the top right of the page. You will only see this button if the palette or color is created by you and you are logged in.
Near the bottom of the page, you will see a heading "Add to my groups" with a list of all the groups you belong to. If you dont see anything listed here, you need to join some groups! Check the groups you wish to add the palette or color to. A palette or color can be added to more than one group.

I want to change the settings for group notifications. How?

Once you have joined a group, you can change your group settings to receive or not to receive notifications about the group. This might include getting love-notes when new lovers join a group or start a new conversation in a group.

When you are in a group that you have joined, you will notice some tabs at the top of the page. These will be slightly different depending on whether you are the group's original creator or not.

If you just joined the group and did not create it, click on the "My Settings" tab. This will take you to a page where you can adjust your notifications settings.

If the group is one you have created yourself, you will see a "Edit Group" tab. This will take you to a page where you can adjust all kinds of things about the group. To adjust your own notification settings, click on the "My Settings" tab. This will take you to a page where you can adjust your notification settings.

Even if you choose not to receive notifications, you will still receive "group broadcasts" that the group's administrator chooses to send to all group members.

How do I start my own group?

Click on the "Groups" button on the site's main menu. Click on the "Add Group" button.

A page will open up allowing you to set up your group: Here you can choose the unique group name, and write the "Group Description" which is the text that will be displayed in the list of all groups.

You cannot change the group's name after it has been created.

You can upload an image for the group's avatar - notice the stated limitations on file format and image size. It is possible to change this picture at a later stage.

How can I invite people to be part of my new group?

If you are in a group you have created yourself,you will find a "Edit Group" tab near the top of the group's page. This will take you to a page where you can adjust all kinds of things about the group. To invite new members, click on the "invitations" tab. A page will open which allows you to broadcast a invitation to multiple ColourLovers. It will only send invitations to people who have already joined ColourLovers. You "address" the invitation to a particular lover by using their ColourLovers username.

Notice the instructions for how to enter multiple user names in the "to" field ( the one labled "Lovers".

Please be sensitive when inviting people to a new group. Nobody likes spam.

Another technique used to pimp a group is to create a note in one of the Forums inviting anyone to join. This is probably a less intrusive way to get new group members.

I want to send a message to all members in my group

You can only "broadcast" messages to all group members if you are the group's creator.

If you are in a group you have created yourself,you will find a "Edit Group" tab near the top of the group's page. To broadcast a message to all members, click on the "broadcast" tab. You "address" the message to a particular lover by using their ColourLovers username.

Even members who have chosen not to receive notifications, will still receive "group broadcasts" that the group's administrator chooses to send to all group members.

I want to change the avatar of a group I have created
If you are in a group you have created yourself,you will find a "Edit Group" tab near the top of the group's page. This will take you to a page where you can adjust the Group Description, the privacy settings, and the Avatar for the group.

You cannot change the group's title after it has been created.

How do I make my public group private? How do I make my private group public?

Go to your group homepage, click on the 'Edit Group' tag. That will land you in 'Group Settings'. There, spot 'Is this Group Private?' and click on the appropriate button.
Rest assured that changing this setting do not remove members, palettes or anything else. Users who were already members when the group was public will still be members once the group has been turned private and vice-versa.

How do I remove a member from my group?

If, for some reason, you'd like to remove a member from one of your groups, go to you group homepage then click on the 'Edit Group' tab and finally on the 'Lovers' tab. Check the lovers you want to remove then click on 'Delete Selected Members'.

If this becomes a recurrent issue, you may want to make your group private instead.
Removing a member from one group now also removes all the palettes, colors and patterns they've posted to the group. It can be useful when one has posted work that didn't belong to the group then deleted their account or just won't remove them. Otherwise, sending them a polite and kind love note usually works very well in my experience.
Note that if the user leaves the group before you remove them, you'll have to contact the CL team to have their work removed. (As mentioned in one of the following sections, leaving a group does not remove your work from it).
How can I leave a group?

When you are in a group that you have joined, you will notice some tabs at the top of the page. These will be slightly different depending on whether you are the group's original creator or not.

If you just joined the group and did not create it, click on the "My Settings" tab. Near the bottom of this page is a "leave this group" button.

What happens to my palettes/colors when I leave a group?

Leaving a group does not mean your palettes and colors are removed from this group. Should you wish to remove them, you'll have to manually edit each palette/color before leaving the group.

Can I make another lover the owner of my group?

If you want to transfer ownership of your group to another user, find a member of your group who is willing to take over then contact the CL team to request a transfer. (Give them the name of your group and the name of the new owner.)
I dont know if it is possible for a group's creator to "delete" that group. Probably not?

And if people choose not to receive group notifications, that includes ALL notifications, including broadcasted messages?
I dont know if it is possible for a group's creator to "delete" that group. Probably not?

I don't see any option where one would be able to delete their group.
Fabulous information! I knew nothing about group notifications before! Or invitations! Now I have some investigation to do... ;)
i've made a group, where i want to collect monochrome palettes and patterns but one member posted plenty of wrong stuff.
is there a way to remove it?
How do you make a group badge like the ones they have with "Interpretation Fun" and "Artist Palette Challenges"?
Kindly update which creation you are talking about .. regards

Group Members


Terms Updated

We’d like to inform you that we have updated our Terms of Use. The most substantive changes are:

This platform was acquired by a joint venture in Israel.
changes have been made to the relevant jurisdiction for disputes which may arise out of your use of the platform.
Changes made to the monetization of users’ creations and the ability to opt out from your account settings.

Please view the revised Terms here. If you don’t mind anything there, then you don’t need to do anything. Your continued use of the platform will constitute your acceptance of the latest version of the Terms. If you disagree with anything there, you can terminate your account within seven days from today.