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Forums»Site Info»Bugs»Inkscape to Seamless Importing Issues...

Inkscape to Seamless Importing Issues...

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Hey again, Petunia! I almost missed this, because I'm on a forum-free diet right now. ;)

This is a separate problem than before - the behaviour is completely different.

Upon successful import of a shape, the 'my shapes' area refreshes straight to the top of the screen.

When the new shape fails to load even as an icon and that window/panel does not refresh, it is almost always because the shape has 'too many points' - it is too large/detailed for Seamless to handle.

In Illustrator, I often need to 'simplify paths' in order to publish a shape. It's probably worth a shot.

In Inkscape, the 'Simplify' command is located under the path menu.
(Or Ctrl-L - since you are on a Mac, I think that would be Cmd-L, but I couldn't swear to it.)

You will need to have the shape selected before you run simplify.

Let me know if that helps? :)
Hey again! Thanks for replying so soon! I don't blame you for not being around the forums much...I haven't either. Haha.

Yes, believe it or not, I already tried to simplify the shapes in Inkscape, to no avail. The same thing happens and it still will not import. :/

I swear I think Seamless on my mac is just one giant glitch.
I'm really sorry I can't help. (But I can bump!)

Perhaps contact someone directly - I know Fugitive Colour uses Inkscape, and I think maybe Dazzlement does too....

Again, if you want - send me the shape and I'll see what I can do using Inkscape, instead of a text editor. I can't promise anything other than that I will happily try. :)
So I uninstalled and re-installed Inkscape...things seem to be working/importing now? Weird. Haha.
Nice to know it was Inkscape and not SS this time. :) So glad it is working for you!

moldypetunia wrote:
So I uninstalled and re-installed Inkscape...things seem to be working/importing now? Weird. Haha.
Aah. I've been having trouble with simplifying shapes as well.
Though my shapes tend to not read the fill gaps? This is something I've been messing with all morning to get it to work properly...
Unfortunately, as far as I know, Inkscape does not offer automatic updating or update alerts. You have to go to the website to look see what stable version is available. You then download that version if you want and it sounds like it is fixing problems for folks, so you should.

You will be offered the option to delete the old version first and then install the new one, or you can install the new one over the top. If you delete the old version the install routine may leave a file that keep the installation of the new version from completing.

To update to a new version of Inkscape in Windows, do I need to uninstall the old version? Here is what I found from Inkscape FAQ:

When you already have Inkscape installed on your Windows XP computer and you launch the installer for the new version, you should be asked if you wish to uninstall the version you already have. If you answer Yes, a wizard will be launched that will uninstall the old version; when it finishes, the install wizard will then launch.

However, a file may be left in your installation folder (the default is C:\Program Files\Inkscape) that prevents the installation from completing. Simply use File Manager to navigate to that folder and remove any files that may be there. You can then resume installation.

If you wish to keep the old version on your computer, simply choose a different folder to which the newer Inkscape should be installed.
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