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I'm missing my captchas for pattern creation as well. Funny thing is I just went to 'contact' instead of first checking the forums, and typed my issue out to support and I could not submit it because.... yeah, there are no captchas for that either lol.
@ TheTrueMe, your shapes will show up. Sometimes it takes a day or so for the database to catch up. I've made a ton of shapes myself, and use the site software exclusively these days, so take my word for it, be patient ^_^
eighteyed wrote:
@ TheTrueMe, your shapes will show up. Sometimes it takes a day or so for the database to catch up. I've made a ton of shapes myself, and use the site software exclusively these days, so take my word for it, be patient ^_^

Thank you :) I'll be patient then :) in fact I'm going to double check if they've shown up yet, and if they haven't. Then I will be patient haha XD
@TinaCO if you can't get in touch with the CL people on this site, try the @Colourlovers acct on twitter. I've had very good communications with them there. If you don't have a twitter acct, just message me what you want to tell them, and I will forward it for you.
Edit: Suddenly they're back this morning. CL is so confusing lol.

I too am having capcha problems and cannot post palettes or patterns. It simply doesn't appear so I get the "invalid capcha" error every time. It doesn't show up on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, IE, or Chromium. (Yes I tried them all!) I don't even know if this is going to get posted without the capcha :/
Not able to post patterns right now either, same message comes up as what that48girl said above, hope this will be fixed very very soon, please could a CL staff member give us a bit of an eta on it (a day, a week, a month, hopefully not that long lol) would be very appreciated ty :)
The capcha is back for me this morning, using Chrome at least. Hope it's working for you again too!

JMG84 wrote:
Not able to post patterns right now either, same message comes up as what that48girl said above, hope this will be fixed very very soon, please could a CL staff member give us a bit of an eta on it (a day, a week, a month, hopefully not that long lol) would be very appreciated ty :)
that48girl wrote:
Edit: Suddenly they're back this morning. CL is so confusing lol.

I too am having capcha problems and cannot post palettes or patterns. It simply doesn't appear so I get the "invalid capcha" error every time. It doesn't show up on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, IE, or Chromium. (Yes I tried them all!) I don't even know if this is going to get posted without the capcha :/

Thank you. I don't currently have a twitter account, and to make things even worse, trying to fix things yesterday before realizing it was a problem for everyone, I went in and deleted my cookies for the site and that glitched it up even further. Now I have an "accept cookies" pop up that no matter how many times I click won't go away, and today it seems I can't even log on that device (I'm typing this on my phone) -I try but it keeps taking me back to the log in.

What did I do lol?

Edit: my device is a 5th generation ipad running on 10.3.3
Well, I dropped a note on twitter speaking about the problems, but I think they had already fixed it when I did. So that's good!
eighteyed wrote:
Well, I dropped a note on twitter speaking about the problems, but I think they had already fixed it when I did. So that's good!

Thank you so much!! And I fixed the login issue today-it was a stupid settings issue on my part, not a site bug.
JMG84 wrote:
Not able to post patterns right now either, same message comes up as what that48girl said above, hope this will be fixed very very soon, please could a CL staff member give us a bit of an eta on it (a day, a week, a month, hopefully not that long lol) would be very appreciated ty :)
Hello community! Could you let us know if you're still experiencing the issues with Recaptcha and the patterns? Please write to [email protected]
It's easier for us to keep track of what needs to be fixed this way. Thanks! :)
So, I'm having problems trying to color patterns. There are frowny faces where the pattern should be. Tried to use a palette & it didn't take. I have no probs with Captcha as of now. I am sorry if this has been posted already, I'm just tired & don't want to be awake from here. Goodnight my CL friends
So... is this site failing? There's so many things "the sphinx server has broken" Or is all this just "normal"?
This site used to have at least 3 servers, so they have definitely economized on the hosting. Which I get, because it’s been dwindling for some time. Either we are overloading poor sphinx server or there’s some problem with the spammer bots and hackers in the forums. I hope they can find a way.
Oh, thanks for commenting. i had just no idea what was going on!

Also, the spamming bots are weird. Seems they could get rid of them.
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2 weeks ago
Hello! I'm new to the site, i've been playing around with the pallettes i use in my art and having a lot of fun posting and messing with them. It's a lovely site, and it seems a lot of activity was killed by the death of flash, but i've been working on trying to emulate the pattern maker, so far I've gotten as far as the loading hearts with cleanflash on my bluemoon browser but it hasn't launched anything yet, and ruffle will need more time to work with ActionScript 3, so I'm sure we'll get there eventually.

I have, though, encountered a problem when I try to put an image on the site, either to add my art to a pallette to show it in action / with examples or just try to set my profile image. every time I try to submit something with an image I get a cloudflare page saying that my access has been blocked by security service. No images that I have tried thus far have not triggered the block, so it doesn't seem like a problem with any specific format.

The cloudflare ray ID for the error is 90653516afbc8737. Is this a sitewide bug or is the issue with my computer? i have tried it in chrome, firefox, safari, and bluemoon only to get the same error. I am on MacOS Sequoia 15.2

if it is sitewide, I would greatly appreciate a fix if and when possible. Otherwise let me know if its just on my end so I can figure out how to get around it.

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