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Forums»Color Talk»Lover's Lounge»Black and Yellow

Black and Yellow

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Hey there!

Does anybody know some good palettes with yellow & black? It should be near the really basic-boring 0xFFFF00-yellow and 0x000000-black.

It's hard to find some good collections which appear modern and sportive, I just found some palettes with this brown/erathy/alternative-green shades.
It would be great if the palette doesn't be to flashy so i could use it for a webpage-sheme (-> text, border, backgrounds...)

Hope to see some interesting palettes...!
Thanks a lot, an enjoy your day
le tour de france
Golden Tee
Bumble Bee Flight
Rubber Duckie

two of my own, the colours are varied, not so close to your regular FFFF00 and 000000:

banana noir
Hornet on Light Bulb
Oxidized Hornet
Make A Fish
Steel Canary
here's a couple i did a while back:

Yellow Pages

Bumbled Away
hey there

thanks for your suggestions!
unfortunately that''s exactly what i was afraid of... if i design a page with these colors, hell, this will look like a expired glass of jam.
nothing like something fresh, fruity, sporty...
or maybe i should just try...?

anyway, thanks for the support and if anyone has some more ideas... ill be happy!
Ahhh. Just animate a bee, let it polinate yellow flowers and let it drip honey on your page? Killer bees have made it to New Orleans! Just kidding.

It seems to me the key to your challenge is coming with patterns of yellow and black/gray. Taxi cab checks, rugby shirt stripes, polka dots, etc.? Yellow and white type reversed out of black ?

Inspiration? Road and other caution and humorous signs? International maritime signal flags (just Google for them)? Hard hats? Construction equipment?

If you want to play with what patterns look like you can simulate many with software I use all the time: Color Impact. If you tell it too it will filter for web safe colors, etc.

Just curious and don't share if you don't want to but what type of client has this color scheme?
not quite as pure yellow and black as the others on here, but this is what I've got :)
black cat.full moon.
another black cat

splatter paint
in your first post you said you wanted sporty, in the most recent you said nothing sporty...I don't get it

I guess it's more of a dark brown..
Corporate Climb

i made a group dedicated to showing and finding colour schemes for websites- be sure to check it out!!
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