MOO MiniCard Design Contest

Turn your favorite palettes into colorful MiniCards to show off your style!  If your entry wins, our friends at MOO will feature your palette in a brand new COLOURlovers card pack, and you'll get a $100 gift certificate to spend at Read More →

Bold Beauty by mamagoose



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Terms Updated

We’d like to inform you that we have updated our Terms of Use. The most substantive changes are:

This platform was acquired by a joint venture in Israel.
changes have been made to the relevant jurisdiction for disputes which may arise out of your use of the platform.
Changes made to the monetization of users’ creations and the ability to opt out from your account settings.

Please view the revised Terms here. If you don’t mind anything there, then you don’t need to do anything. Your continued use of the platform will constitute your acceptance of the latest version of the Terms. If you disagree with anything there, you can terminate your account within seven days from today.