Color of the Year 2016

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Color is everywhere and we each have a unique lens that we see the colors of the world through. We think you have an expert eye for color and we want you to choose your Color of the Year 2016. You can name your own color of the year, vote for the color below or browse the other top colors or new colors.

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It's a breezy, light, refreshing blue. My impression of it is of calmness and clarity, of cleanliness and purity, of second chances and new beginnings. It is the air you take in when you need to sit and breath. It is cool, calm, and collected. It is bright and filled with the hope and belief that things will get better. That what happened in the past is done and gone. Make sure that you've learned what you need to from it, then keep calm and carry on. That is what this color represents to me. :)

 By balboababe Feb 16, 2016