Author: evad

David Sommers has been loving color as COLOURlovers' Blog Editor-in-Chief for the past two years. When he's not neck deep in a rainbow he's loving other things with The Post Family (, a Chicago-based art blog, artist collective & gallery.

The Lost Colors of Crayola

Crayola has been the standard for crayons, and at least partially responsible for bringing color naming to…

Simple Reasons Why Some Businesses Failed in 2010

There is a plethora of information out there from former CEO’s and case studies about the many…

Popular Business Books & Their Color Designs

Books, besides being nice to look at, offer us a way to keep up with the ever…

The Colors of Mobile Games

When you want your website or business identity’s color scheme to be fun, entertaining, or even little outrageous, you need…

Super Color Silk Worms

By feeding silkworms a mulberry mixture containing fluorescent dye, scientists are able to harvest brightly coloured silk. The environmentalists…

Website Color Trends

Having a look over some of May’s top colors to see if any recent website designs are using…

Sign Painting – Adding a Human Touch to your Business Identity

Placing importance on simple messages, typography, and color, hand painted signs and advertisements can add a lot to a…

RAW COLOR – Photography

The work of Daniera ter Haar & Christoph Brach, who have become better known by the name…

Stopping Foot Traffic In Their Tracks: The Window Display

There is still something to be said (and seen!) when it comes to attracting foot traffic. If…

Business Sense from Nick Campbell: Normal Colors are For Babies

Nick Campbell is the founder of an iPhone App company called BananaCameraCo, he runs a motion design…