Kids’ Room Ideas That Will Make Your Life Easier

kid's room

kid's room

Kids’ rooms are always filled with toys, clothes, drawing supplies, and who knows how many other things. It is easy to see your children’s bedroom as the last room in your house you want to clean as you know that’s where the maximum chaos is. It doesn’t have to be this way, and many ideas will help you organize this space so that you don’t have to worry so much about keeping it clean.


Reduce the number of toys

Even if that may sound harsh, it is easy to notice how your kids prefer to play only with certain toys. There’s no point in keeping all of them, at least not in the same space. Just make sure to get rid of the unused toys without an audience so that you can avoid some unnecessary drama.

Don’t fill up every single space to the brim

Kids have a lot of stuff from clothes to toys, but this doesn’t mean that you should stuff everything in all the drawers and closet space available. It is not convenient to search for things that should be accessible by wading through a lot of unimportant things.

There is another advantage to consider here. If there are some empty spaces available, you will have room for new things. For instance, if you have a boy and you just bought a new microscope for his birthday, it is ideal to have a place for the new device in the room, instead of being forced to leave such a delicate item lying around on a table.


Get plenty of bins and baskets

If you feel like there’s never enough room for storing all the kids’ stuff, don’t start to fret about how you are going to fit it another closet inside their bedroom. Bins and baskets are ideal for keeping all kinds of things your kids use. They don’t take up a lot of space, and they are easy to use.

Also, when you need to de-clutter fast, you can grab a basket or a bin and fill it with all the stuff that seems to be lying on the floor, on the bed, on the table, and anywhere around you.


Keeps things of the same type together

This is a good idea if you’re trying to teach your kid the importance of being and staying organized. For instance, find a place for all the plush toys in the room. Use another for all the notebooks, and other supplies that are school related. Also, you must have a place for all the clothes so that they don’t end up on the floor.

Get your kids to help a little, and you will teach them how to keep their things organized. You can teach them how to fold their t-shirts, and how to organize their stuff on colors, and in other fun ways. Kids are fast learners, and sooner than you think, you might not have so much work to do to keep their room clean and free of clutter.


Opt for high-quality items

A good idea to keep a room clean is to reduce the number of things that go inside it. That doesn’t mean that you should feel guilty about depriving your kids of toys they like or anything similar. Instead of going for quantity, go for quality. This way, you will have fewer things to deal with.


A quick clean-up is in order before bedtime

Do it yourself, or have your kids to help, if they’re old enough. Clean up a little by putting things to their places just before bedtime. This way, there will be less work to do in the morning, when you might be in a hurry. Using this high-quality vacuum cleaner from Unclutterer will help you remove all dust from the kids room with minimal efforts.

Author: JanusGP