Color Inspiration in Crafts: The Prettiest Pinwheels

We all know them today as pinwheels, but during the 19th century in America, the umbrella catchphrase moniker encompassing any wind-driven toy held by a running child was “whirligig.” Isn’t that just fun to say aloud? Try it! These whirligigs (or pinwheels, if you please) supplied endless amounts of entertainment and glee for children and adults alike, and still do today!

Collected here are some more modern wheels o’ fun, filled with color and vibrant life! We’ve also created a kaleidoscope of palettes to coincide with each. Enjoy the read, and feel free to add your own additions in the comments section below! We’d love to see your own unique whimsical whirligigs!


Swirled Sherbet

1-Swirled Sherbet


Watermelon Wee-Wheel

2-Watermelon Wee-Wheel


Rusty Whirled

3-Rusty Whirled


Button Breezes

4-Button Breezes


Star Swish

5-Star Swish


Rainbow Wheee

6-Rainbow Wheeee


Primary Pinwheel

7-Primary Pinwheel



Author: Andy Beth Miller