Latest Site & Blog Features Out

If you haven’t noticed, we’ve made some site updates you may really want to know about!

.The Site.


So what is your Activity Feed and how does that relate to Notifications?

Everything you do at and how you know what everyone else is doing in regards to what you’re interested in. It will really enhance the social aspect of COLOURlovin, I know it has for me ten times more than before – I finally feel a sense of community going on.

Just like Facebook, you can choose to be notified by “real” email about palettes, swatches or patterns that have been loved and/or fav’d, love notes, responses, blog comments and responses, etc.

The settings do not automatically take effect, you must be logged in, then go to your ACCOUNT (up top between your mini avatar and love notes)


Then go to your NOTIFICATIONS and have at it. Features used to only be available in-site or not at all, so this is a pretty spiffy and much needed update! Thanks CL Developers!

.The Blog.


While the Activity Feed and Notifications my have been pretty obvious, I bet you didn’t realize we made a small change, but big improvement to the blog channels RSS functionality.

You can now subscribe to each channel separately! Because our topics and readers are so diverse, this should help out a lot.

You can still RSS to the entire channel list by using as your feed link in say Google Reader, or by using the RSS subscription tools to the right of each post (see the yellow highlighted area):

BUT….if you’re like most people, you might only want to follow the PRINT channel – let’s use that as an example.

I use Google Reader. There’s just one little step to getting the correct link to put in to your subscription feed. The easiest way to get it, is by selecting CHANNELS from the top navigation menu, then select PRINT (or whatever channel you wish to follow independently)….

Next, grab the link from the browser bar. For our example, it should read clean, “” (see the yellow highlighted area below).

Paste this link in to your Google Reader, “add a subscription button”…

And you’re done! Do this for each channel you want to follow independently.


That wraps up the latest changes pushed out in the last couple weeks.


*Header Pattern:


Author: Molly Bermea
Hi! I'm the COLOURlovers Community Curator. I come from a family with five imaginative kids. My mom instilled creativity to the max and you can usually find us scheming together, figuring out new ways to sew, craft or build DIY projects. The core of my artistic bone is in the art of painting.