Interior Design Trends: Orange and Silver

Over here in my neck of the woods it has been snowing every week it seems. I love snow, but too much is just well, too much. With too much of these dreary and freezing cold days, it only seemed fitting that a combination of a warm color paired with a cool color would be pretty interesting.

The colors that were chosen were orange and silver. How often do you see that pair? Honestly, I can’t say that it is a common pairing around here. So, to add a little bit of warmth, orange and silver it is. The two would seem ideal when used around the warmer months such as spring and summer, but I think it would be great any time of year. What are your thoughts on these colors?

flowers ·  mirror · monkey · chair · lamp · pillow

room 1, 2

Circular_Staircase Orange_Gray_scale

Orange_Gray sunday_in_the_city

Orange_Crush orange_gray_web

Author: Olan
Olan provides design consultations and is a proud mother of three who effectively manages both family and business life. She graduated with a bachelor of fine arts degree in interior design and truly loves what she does, her remarkable work ethic and dedication are a clear indication of that.