Halloween Inspired Palettes

We know that black and orange are the most loved, known and used colors in-celebration of Halloween, but what other colors make it into our Halloween inspired palettes?

Here is a look at some Halloween inspired palettes from the two COLOURlovers’ groups: Spook-tacular Halloween! & Scary Out There.

There are some inspired by El Día de los Muertos too.

Spook-tacular Halloween!

A place for all your halloween inspired palettes and patterns. ;) – CL Group

All_Hallos_Eve *Trick_or_Treat!!

spook pumpkin_spice

halloween metalic

hollows Candy_Corn

Autumn_Leaves Svadisthana_Chakra

Drunken_Fairy A_Crow_at_Night

Queen_Pumpkin Derfells_Pumpkin

Acid_Pumpkin Apples

All_Hallows Vintage_Fruit

Waiting_for_Fall Purple_Addiction

Scary_ween Fallen_Leaf

The_Uncastable_Spell All_Hallows_Eve

Vintage_Halloween Bobbing_for_Apples

halloween Samhain_Night

Scary Out There

Halloween, monsters, fairytale beasties, leviathans of the deep and such.

It’s scary out there and frightful in here with Colors and Palettes inspired and named for Halloween, monsters, beasties and general horror-full-ness. – CL Group

Closet_Monster Jabberwocky_Sunglass

Halloween_Beach Under_Pumpkin_Shadow


child_nightmare Yellow_of_Satan

House_on_the_Hill road_rash


Freddy_Krueger Vampyro

OH_NO!_IM_A_ZOMBIE! David_Lynch

Herbert_Monster Twin_Peaks

Horrormovies_on_TV Vampire_Children

Blood_Hurricane Horroristicism

The_Sun_Grows_Closer X-Sanguination

HB+Liz Hellboy

Waverly_Hills_Int. Malloween

Zombie_Honeymoon dexter

dance kol

taşak ğü

yarrak do_the_tighten_up

kabızettin BuildBetterMonsters

Arkham_Horror NailBites,FistsFight

Scissor_Cut_Skulls GÜBELİN_2

Hes_A_Flea Ophelia_Drowning

Rotten_Zombie A_Place_to_Rest

Running_It_Over Samhain_Night

El Día de los Muertos

Day_of_the_Dead day_of_the_dead

Day_of_the_Dead Day_of_the_Dead

Day_of_the_Deads Day_of_the_Dead

Día_de_los_Muertos Día_de_los_Muertos

Author: evad
David Sommers has been loving color as COLOURlovers' Blog Editor-in-Chief for the past two years. When he's not neck deep in a rainbow he's loving other things with The Post Family (http://thepostfamily.com/), a Chicago-based art blog, artist collective & gallery.