What’s Your Color? The Zodiacal Colors

“In deciding upon a proper color, neither the zodiacal nor the planetary values should be considered separately but blended as an artist mixes paints upon his palette.” – Manly P. Hall

There are many theories as to which color is associated with each segment of the zodiac. While there does seem to be some sort of consensus among experts, and non-experts alike, large discrepancies still exsist , even in the COLOURlovers library.

Today we are going to look at three theories. Two put together from historical references from Manly P. Hall and Finnish astrologer Juhani Nummela, and a newer theory proposed over at astrologyweekly.com. Plus, we’ll see what people in the COLOURlovers community think their colors are.

Colors associated with the 360 degrees of zodiac

The visible part of spectre of electromagnetic waves is what we call light. More exactly, from the entire range of electromagnetic radiations, the human eye can only perceive those with the wavelength between 380 and 780 nanometers (nm). Below 380 nm, there is the ultraviolet radiation, beyond 780 nm there is the infrared range.

I think there is a correlation between the visible light of different wavelenghts and the zodiac: the visible spectre begins with red and ends with violet, this can be associated with the range of 360 degrees of the zodiac, from Aries to Pisces.

Since the light with a wavelenght of 780 nm is a red light, and the light with a wavelenght of 380 nm is a violet light, a correlation can be considered between the light of 780 nm and 0 degrees Aries and so on, ending with a correlation between the light of 380 nm and 29 degrees Pisces.


    Manly P. Hall: brilliant red
    Juhani Nummela: red, carmine red
    astrologyweekly.com: between 780nm #610000 – 747nm #A70000



    Manly P. Hall: red-orange, yellow, and cream color
    Juhani Nummela: blue, pink, brown, green
    astrologyweekly.com: between 746nm #A90000 – 714nm #E60000



    Manly P. Hall: orange, violet, crystal blue
    Juhani Nummela: violet, varicolored
    astrologyweekly.com: between 713nm #E80000 – 681nm #FF0000



    Manly P. Hall: orange-yellow, green, blue-green
    Juhani Nummela: silver, white, soft shades
    astrologyweekly.com: between 680nm #FF0000 – 647nm #FF0000



    Manly P. Hall: yellow, orange, gold, and red
    Juhani Nummela: gold, orange, yellow, bright red
    astrologyweekly.com: between 646nm #FF0000 – 614nm #FF8D00



    Manly P. Hall: yellow-green, violet, blue
    Juhani Nummela: grey, navy-blue, spotted
    astrologyweekly.com: between 613nm #FF9100 – 581nm #FFFC00



    Manly P. Hall: green, yellow, crimson, white
    Juhani Nummela: rose-color, blue, pink, pastel shades
    astrologyweekly.com: between 580nm #FFFF00 – 547nm #99FF00



    Manly P. Hall: greenish-blue, murky red, brown
    Juhani Nummela: dark brown
    astrologyweekly.com: between 546nm #96FF00 – 514nm #1AFF00



    Manly P. Hall: blue, yellow, and red
    Juhani Nummela: purple, blue
    astrologyweekly.com: between 513nm #15FF00 – 481nm #00DAFF



    Manly P. Hall: blue-violet, indigo, gray
    Juhani Nummela: black, dark shades
    astrologyweekly.com: between 480nm #00D5FF – 447nm #0035FF



    Manly P. Hall: violet, indigo, azure
    Juhani Nummela: electric blue, lilac
    astrologyweekly.com: between 446nm #002FFF – 414nm #7800E9



    Manly P. Hall: violet-red, blue, green, and white
    Juhani Nummela: sea-green, red-violet
    astrologyweekly.com: between 413nm #7900E6 – 381nm #640066


Images in the public domain, found on wikipedia

Sources: astrologyweekly.com & koti.mbnet.fi

Author: evad
David Sommers has been loving color as COLOURlovers' Blog Editor-in-Chief for the past two years. When he's not neck deep in a rainbow he's loving other things with The Post Family (http://thepostfamily.com/), a Chicago-based art blog, artist collective & gallery.