COPASO : Color Palette Software

We’ve been working on an advanced / pro color palette tool for quite some time and finally have it ready enough to share with you. We’re still fine tuning and adding more updates… but we feel like this is the best color palette tool you’ll find… if you don’t think so, let us know what you’d like us to add or improve and we’ll keep striving to give you the best experience anywhere.

Try COPASO : Color Palette Software Now

Click Here for a Larger Video Demo (Narrated and presented by Andrew Sorcini)

COPASO is an advanced color palette tool that helps you create the perfect color schemes and themes. With a scratch pad to save colors you’re working with, a photo tool to extract colors and an advanced color picker and color theory wheel to give you tons of color inspiration. Using COPASO you can save your palettes to a private folder or download them to keep on your local computer. When you’re ready, click publish and share your color palette with thousands of other color enthusiasts. If you’re finding COPASO a bit too rich you’re your color creating tastes, you can always use our basic color palette tool.

Custom Color Widths… Base, Secondary and Accent


With COPASO you can give each color a specific amount of space in your color palettes. This will help you show what colors you intend to be the base colors, secondary and accent colors. Click and drag the <|> icons above the color squares to change their widths.



Save Colors to Your Scratch Pad


You can save a color you’re working with by clicking and dragging it down to the scratch area. To set a main color above with one of the colors in your scratch, simply double-click the color in your scratch.



Get Color Inspiration from Pictures


Advanced Color Picker and Color Wheel

The new advanced color picker in COPASO allows for even more precise color selection. You have hue, saturation and brightness sliders as well as input areas for Hex, RGB, HSV and CMYK color values.

Also built into the advanced color picker are gradient step filters that will allow you to see any color with steps towards white or with steps towards black. To work with any of the colors in this filter, simply click and drag the filter color strip to the right of the color wheel onto your scratch area.

Below the picker is our color wheel and color formula filters. By selecting one of the formula filters (Blend, Complementary, Triadic Tetradic or Split Complementary) the color wheel will allow you to spin the selected color around by clicking anywhere on the wheel. Once you’ve found some great colors in the preview bar on the right, all you need to do is drag the bar to your scratch area to begin using those colors.

Double-clicking any of the color squares in the preview bar will update the main color picker to that color and give you a new perspective on your selected color filters.


As mentioned above, we’re very proud of COPASO and hope you’ll find it very useful for all your professional and hobby color projects. COPASO couldn’t have been built without the expert programming of Chris Williams and the design work of Stephen Hallgren. Last but not least the hundreds of thousands of COLOURlovers who have helped us build and grow our color community and who’ve provided us with great advice, suggestions and inspiration over the years.

Happy COLOURloving!

Author: COLOURlover
My name is Darius A Monsef IV & my friends call me Bub(s)(ba). Chief Lover at / Cofounder of Founder, Philanthropist, Designer, Builder & Writer. P.S. I love you.