v3.0 Launch Party with Imagekind – Live

Hello COLOURlovers,

Well here she is… v3 in all her glory. We probably should call this 3


to emphasize that we have had little time to test the new site and trouble shoot any little hiccups… But, we’re throwing a party and we couldn’t do it without tons of new color love.

We’ll do a proper post in the next couple days to explain and better showcase all the new things that have been added, but until then you’ll have to be a curious lover and go exploring.

Wee.0 Launch Part – Live (Not Quite Live… 7pm +PST)

Author: COLOURlover
My name is Darius A Monsef IV & my friends call me Bub(s)(ba). Chief Lover at COLOURlovers.com / Cofounder of Hands.org Founder, Philanthropist, Designer, Builder & Writer. P.S. I love you.