Mineral Colors from the Near Side of the Moon

Eons of meteorite impacts on the lunar surface have left an amazing array of mineral deposits. Back in 1971, cartographers Don E. Wilhelms and John F. McCauley of the U.S. Geological Survey created a series of startlingly colorful lunar maps for NASA. The details below are from the Moon’s near side. To see large and complete maps of the moon, see U.S. Geological Survey Website.


Endless Forest A Lunar Tan

great white Lunar Moss

Shimomo Crater Impact

Crater Green Lunar Chocolate

Salmon Bones Lunar Coffee

Lunar Daybreak Sunset on the Moon

Lunar Crater Lake Violets on the Moon



Lunar Lakebed Lunar Pond

♑ cardinal Meteor Impact

Shallow Crater Lunar Red Tide

Lunar Latitude October

Lunar Shadow Lunar Orange



Lunar Tourmaline and to call her

Lunar Twilight Lunar Sea Foam

Moon Drab Crater Shadow


Some lunar surface inspiration from ColourLovers:

Surface Of The Moon Lunar

Lunar Landing Lunar Ocean

Lunar Sea Lunar Landing II

Lunar Sea Lunar samples

a walk on the moon Lunar Gold

Author: Prof. Oddfellow