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Forums»Color Talk»Advice & Critiques»Potterhead?!?


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Hey Everyone, I just have a question. I think I may know already, but I want to make sure, since I'm not familiar with the term, "Potterhead". I'm creating a palette for someone who is in my group, that won a contest of mine. She said she usually likes greens in her palettes, but she'd love to have a potterhead, this time. What is it? Does it have to do with Harry Potter? If so, I have no idea what colors I should use. Thanking you kindly in advance, Jesse
i'm not completely sure, but i Googled it and it said that a potterhead is someone who is obsessed with Harry Potter. i didn't do a detailed search, though, so i don't know for sure if that's what she was talking about.
sorry if i'm not any help, Jesse, i hope i was.
What she said!
Used in the context above, the term doesn't make sense.

TeamPeetaPresident wrote:
i'm not completely sure, but i Googled it and it said that a potterhead is someone who is obsessed with Harry Potter. i didn't do a detailed search, though, so i don't know for sure if that's what she was talking about.
sorry if i'm not any help, Jesse, i hope i was.
I don't know. it doesn't make sense (how would you make a palette with that?)
I don't know. it doesn't make sense (how would you make a palette with that?)
I looked it up as well, that's why I posted in here. The issue, is that the person I need to make this palette for, doesn't get back to me right away, which is understandable. But when I first told her she was in the contest, I asked her to let me know what colors she'd like. She just got back to me, today, and I'm way behind on other winner's palettes.
Thank you both for replying and trying to help, though. I do appreciate it.
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