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Forums»Color Talk»Advice & Critiques»Black Orchid associations

Black Orchid associations

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Hi, could you please advise?
I'm thinking out if I can create a web-site for my clan in MMORPG.
But I've discovered that everyone have different color associations with our clan name:)
The clan is called Black Orchid Orden (BOO), so I asked what color associations my friends have with black orchid except black itself.
One told me it's bright red, the other one - dark red, other versions were green and brown and seagreen.
Could you please tell me what colors do you associate with "black orchid"? I'm curios and I need to decide what'll suite the site best. Please, advise.
Theses are mine associations, but seems noone shares them:)
For the name Black Orchid, I definitely don't see red. Variations of purple, maybe a dark magenta at best, and probably a darker green than the lime green used here.

Why not just go with a grayscale theme for the site? Since I assume you'll be having photos of events and the MMO's name on the site somewhere, this will avoid any color clashes.
Thank you for your answer!
Er, I'm a color addict, may be that's why:) But I'll consider black&white scheme, thank you for advice! But if you'd be to add one more color to this minimalistic scheme, which color will it be?
Thank you!
I really like these palettes, especially

Though I don't think I should consider the second one itself for a website inspiration, and yet it's beautiful:) Thank you for your help:)
New variant, does anyone like it?.. Though I'm just practicing...
Variations of purple !
Thank you:) That was actually what I thought but none of my friends seemed to share my opinion...
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