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Does anyone have any idea when the site will be back up? It's sorely missed!
No indication yet as to when it will be back. Crossing fingers it will be within a few weeks.
Do we know what sorts of changes they're going to make?

Worf Thaddeus wrote:
No indication yet as to when it will be back. Crossing fingers it will be within a few weeks.
Not sure, Misty. I just hope they return. This place is...unsatisfactory.

MistyAamen wrote:
Do we know what sorts of changes they're going to make?

Worf Thaddeus wrote:
No indication yet as to when it will be back. Crossing fingers it will be within a few weeks.
Worf Thaddeus wrote:
Not sure, Misty. I just hope they return. This place is...unsatisfactory.

MistyAamen wrote:
Do we know what sorts of changes they're going to make?

Worf Thaddeus wrote:
No indication yet as to when it will be back. Crossing fingers it will be within a few weeks.
Hello Colourlovers!
Let us know what are the changes you're talking about and how you think we can improve the website. We thought that the new design will be easier on the eye and also easier to use.
Does anyone have any info on Colorbuffs? I miss it!
Can any of you access ColorBuffs again?
I noticed a few days ago I can access the starting page, but nothing else, including the login page.
Glenna/Worf has apparently deleted her account here now, and she was the only person I know of who is in contact with CB's owners. :(
Does anybody else have any information? I hope they will let us know when and if CB is up and running again.
Same here, I can access the main page with search but nothing else. So happy to see that at least something is going on over there! Here's hoping the full site will be back up soon!

YersiniaP wrote:
Can any of you access ColorBuffs again?
I noticed a few days ago I can access the starting page, but nothing else, including the login page.
Glenna/Worf has apparently deleted her account here now, and she was the only person I know of who is in contact with CB's owners. :(
Does anybody else have any information? I hope they will let us know when and if CB is up and running again.
Ah good, I was afraid it was only me and my ancient browser, or the fact that I am in Europe, that prevented me from accessing the site properly.
And I am hoping as well that we can soon have CB back in all its glory! :)
Thanks for letting me know! ❤

that48girl wrote:
Same here, I can access the main page with search but nothing else. So happy to see that at least something is going on over there! Here's hoping the full site will be back up soon!
Anyone have any CB updates? It looks like they've taken the start page down again and we're back to square one and no site. I was really hoping that was a sign of progress and CB would be back up soon :(
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