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Forums»Color Talk»Lover's Lounge»Don't feed the trolls, please.

Don't feed the trolls, please.

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OrigamiMei wrote:
As anyone reading this can see, skimmersky was in no way, shape, or form mentioned in this thread. Yet they decided to post here, going on the offense. That's all I'm going to day about this because I think it speaks for itself.

I have a right to post here,I'm after all a member of CL just like anyone else and besides Jim is my friend. It shows you're attempting to set the rules for this site and even worse you're trying to shut people up and if those two fail you'll threaten people,attempt to ridicule them or whatever bullshit comes to your warped mind to do to them.
Btw,it really shows I am and was right about you from the start..since you where so quickly to post a comment here after I send you a message in "Mountain beauty"..but that's between us,for now.
At what point was Jim mentioned here?
Second half of the comment: let me get this straight, are you claiming to be mountain beauty?
I know,it must be quite the shock when someone finds out about your dirty little/big secrets.But you know,sometime's Trolls do get caught.
Btw,Jim is going to leave CL guess why..because of you.Yep you did it again,chasing people off!Applause!
You've just implicated yourself. Congratulations!
OrigamiMei wrote:
At what point was Jim mentioned here?
Second half of the comment: let me get this straight, are you claiming to be mountain beauty?

LOL,so funny how you try twisting my words,Troll behaviour yet again! I mentioned Jim because of what you tried to do to his creation "So is Love",your attempt so translucent it's painfully,you offended my friend so you offended me.
I guess we both know who Mountain beauty is,don't we and all the others.Wow,what an upkeep all those profile pages,that's why some disappear for some time or months on end because even a Troll will get mixed up being all at the same time,right? :)
Well that escalated quickly. THE drama o.o
OrigamiMei wrote:
You've just implicated yourself. Congratulations!

I have no need to implicate myself,Troll,because that's what you yourself did much time just needed a poet of witness to expose you. Hello all CL'rs Origamimei is a TROLL! Hear sad indeed,sad woman sad life,I truly hope you get help,soon! Right now you're just a waste of space.

G'day, Caroline.
OrigamiMei wrote:
G'day, Caroline.


I don't know who you are and don't even care. What I do know, and we've all witnessed, is that you need help. See how you speak and what you say and realize the irony. I've never seen her saying things like you did and you're calling her a bad person? Ha! I DO know her and I know who she is, unlike the fake ''friendships'' around here. Some even with fake members.

At the end she was right, huh? Fake accounts.
Right now you're just a waste of space.
Childish, where are your beloved ''morals'' Miss. Rightfulness?

skimmersky wrote:
OrigamiMei wrote:
You've just implicated yourself. Congratulations!

I have no need to implicate myself,Troll,because that's what you yourself did much time just needed a poet of witness to expose you. Hello all CL'rs Origamimei is a TROLL! Hear sad indeed,sad woman sad life,I truly hope you get help,soon! Right now you're just a waste of space.

Stop feeding the trolls, Heather.
GabsGiggles wrote:
I don't know who you are and don't even care. What I do know, and we've all witnessed, is that you need help. See how you speak and what you say and realize the irony. I've never seen her saying things like you did and you're calling her a bad person? Ha! I DO know her and I know who she is, unlike the fake ''friendships'' around here. Some even with fake members.

At the end she was right, huh? Fake accounts.
Right now you're just a waste of space.
Childish, where are your beloved ''morals'' Miss. Rightfulness?

skimmersky wrote:
OrigamiMei wrote:
You've just implicated yourself. Congratulations!

I have no need to implicate myself,Troll,because that's what you yourself did much time just needed a poet of witness to expose you. Hello all CL'rs Origamimei is a TROLL! Hear sad indeed,sad woman sad life,I truly hope you get help,soon! Right now you're just a waste of space.


OrigamiMei wrote:
It is obvious that we have a problem with people starting multiple accounts and using these accounts to emotionally manipulate other members. For some of us this behavior is obvious, yet others seem unaware of what's being done.

Per the trend recently, if a random person follows you then creates a totally nonsensical palette in your honor, they're probably fishing for attention (which isn't always bad but in the case of the most current troll, it's negative.) If a random person starts telling you about their crappy home life in public comments, they're most likely looking to get you hooked. If a member you don't know sends you a love note stating that another member is talking negatively about you, they are trying to cause trouble.

Not everyone on the Internet and COLOURlovers has good intentions. The place is full of great people but as in reality, we will also experience some truly rotten apples. Bottom line: please be cautious, not only for the community's sake but more importantly for your own.

Ain't that transparency sublime! The Troll of Trolls alarming for Trolls.
LOL this is so bizarre. I guess ''Mary'' knows English and Spanish, ''Mary'' is such a multilingual and multicultural person, kudos to her! What a powerful brain she must have. Well, others know English and hebrew (?)
In the physical world there is an inherent unity to the self, for the body provides a compelling and convenient definition of identity. The norm is: one body, one identity ... The virtual world is different. It is composed of information rather than matter.
Trolling is a game about identity deception, albeit one that is played without the consent of most of the players. The troll attempts to pass as a legitimate participant, sharing the group's common interests and concerns; the newsgroups members, if they are cognizant of trolls and other identity deceptions, attempt to both distinguish real from trolling postings, and upon judging a poster a troll, make the offending poster leave the group. Their success at the former depends on how well they – and the troll – understand identity cues; their success at the latter depends on whether the troll's enjoyment is sufficiently diminished or outweighed by the costs imposed by the group.
Trolls can be costly in several ways. A troll can disrupt the discussion on a newsgroup, disseminate bad advice, and damage the feeling of trust in the newsgroup community. Furthermore, in a group that has become sensitized to trolling – where the rate of deception is high – many honestly naïve questions may be quickly rejected as trollings. This can be quite off-putting to the new user who upon venturing a first posting is immediately bombarded with angry accusations. Even if the accusation is unfounded, being branded a troll is quite damaging to one's online reputation.
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