Purple Orange Green

A customer of mine recently suggested a new color scheme for my products, which happens now and then, but this time caught my attention. She said she would like to see something in purple, orange, and green–because those are the colors she is using in her wedding.

I have never had great success with purple. Paired with a neutrals like tan, gray and white, it’s not bad. But with orange and green? That’s a lot of color.

So I thought it would be a nice challenge to come up with a color scheme based on those colors and here’s what I’ve got.


Orange and Green can work well together, opposing cool and warm colors, so long as there’s enough yellow in them to coordinate with each other. Too much red in the orange or too much blue in the green and they don’t work as well.

I based this scheme largely on this photograph I found on Flickr by John Dalkin.

credit: John Dalkin

This blend of purple is beautiful. I pulled three shades of each color in the leaves and flowers + some of the dark pink shade at the tips for an accent.

My customer then forwarded me a link to this photo from Organic Elements which is equally beautiful as a man-made arrangement.

credit: Organic Elements

For more inspiration I called on some friends to join the challenge at Dribbble. I posted my color scheme above and asked them to make something from it. Anything visual, to give a better idea of how the colors play together. They did well!

skitch6QmGwF skitchox7NMo

Color Spiral by Shawn Grimes + Abstract Colors by Jesse J. Anderson

To play with the colors a little more, I decided to design a set of patterns in this color scheme. In doing so, I found the need to tweak the colors a little more and ended up with a slightly new color scheme. I also broke the colors into groups of only two colors at a time.

purple + green

Boquet - Purple Green

purple + orange

Boquet - Purple Orange

orange + green

Boquet - Orange Green

So here’s the new color scheme based on the work in action.


Author: natalie
Natalie Jost designed for the web until 2007 when she expanded her experience to create Olive Manna, a brand devoted to beautiful textiles and paper products, designed with an emphasis on seamless pattern design. She still designs for the web now and then, but most of her time is spent raising three little girls, including twins! Natalie's Blog is full of writing about her passion for life, her kids, and good design. And she always carries a Sudoku book and pen. You can also follow @natalie on Twitter!