Color of the Year 2018

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Color is everywhere and we each have a unique lens that we see the colors of the world through. We think you have an expert eye for color and we want you to choose your Color of the Year 2018. You can name your own color of the year, vote for the color below or browse the other top colors or new colors.

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Is this the Color of the Year 2018?

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This is my colour for 2018. It will be a year of optimism and serenity. The optimism will fuel a forward reaching fulfillment of love, serenity and spirituality. Things that have been missing lately, but that will surge to the fore by popular acclaim, one person at a time. This colour communicates the originality, inspiration and visionary thinking that will point us to the future.

It is a complex and contemplative colour suggesting the mysteries of the cosmos, the intrigue of what lies ahead, and the discoveries beyond where we are now. Just as the vast and limitless night sky is symbolic of what is possible and continues to inspire the desire to pursue a world beyond our own.

Enigmatic purples have long been symbolic of counterculture, unconventionality, and artistic brilliance. And as personal expressions of individuality. This is a nuanced colour, not too bold and not a shirking violet. It is filled with passion and encourages us to experiment and reimagine what is possible. Inspiring creativity in all areas and expanding our horizons.

By anonymous Mar 2, 2018